Pitbulls and cats can live together in perfect harmony, but sometimes there can be a little tension. Dogs are pack animals who love company, while cats are lone hunters who prefer independence.
Pitbulls often play with other puppies by chasing them, which cats may perceive as a threat. Stopping this behavior the moment it occurs is very important, as it can lead to a very unhappy cat if left unchecked, even if your Pitbulls is well-meaning.
Moreover, your cat will interpret it as predatory behavior and want to hide to feel safe. But fear not; this behavior can be controlled. In this article, we’ll explore why Pitbulls chase cats, how to stop Pitbulls from chasing your cats, and what to do if they do not stop.
Why Does My Pitbull Chase Cats?
When a Pitbulls chases a cat, it is usually because they follow its instincts, particularly because Pitbulls are a breed originally used for chasing or herding. Other times, when Pitbulls chases cats, they might want to play, and they will chase a cat a little like they will chase a ball thrown for them.
Pitbulls chase cats because they have a strong chase instinct, and that movement can trigger this instinct. However, there are instances of Pitbulls living with cats for years without chasing them before suddenly developing this instinct.
It is important to stop Pitbulls chasing cats as soon as you see this behavior in your pets. Pitbulls should see cats as their companions and not as toys.
Methods to Stop Pitbulls from Chasing Cats
There are a few things you can master in training to stop your Pitbulls from chasing cats, such as controlling your Pitbulls’ attention to you, having good recall when calling the Pitbulls to you when out and about, and also making sure you have an adjustable lead.
If you’re wondering how to stop Pitbulls from chasing cats, we have devised two methods below for you to try. It is much easier to train your Pitbulls if they are a puppy, as you can easily socialize your Pitbulls into recognizing that chasing cats is unacceptable behavior.
1. Be in Control of Their Attention
If your cat is happy in a cat crate, put them in and place the crate in a room (when your puppy is not around). Make sure they have their toys to keep them entertained.
Then, bring in the puppy. Instantly, your puppy will be intrigued by the cat; the puppy will try to smell and pester the cat. Try and command your Pitbulls’ attention to you each time they approach the cat. If the Pitbulls look at you, reward them with a treat.
The aim is to do this each time your Pitbulls looks at the cat (not necessarily going up to them). Each time they look at the cat, call them and reward them with treats when they come to you. This will emphasize that they should not bother the cat. They will associate leaving the cat alone with being rewarded.
Release your cat (if it is safe) and try again. If your Pitbulls persist in approaching the cat, call them to you and reward them when they obey. If they don’t, firmly tell them to stop, remove the cat, and try again later. In time, they will learn this behavior and stop chasing after the cat.
Sometimes, though, your Pitbulls develop this chasing behavior later in life. In such cases, you may need a more detailed plan to try and stop your Pitbulls from chasing the cat.
2. Call the Pitbull to You
If your Pitbulls start chasing a cat, instantly call their attention to you. Please stop what you do to ensure they come to you when called. This is important because you want to control the chase before it begins. Distracting your Pitbulls is always a good way to establish boundaries.
Each time your Pitbulls notice your cat, repeat the above action. Use strong commands if they have been taught to your Pitbulls, such as ‘stop’ or ‘leave it.’ If your Pitbulls begin chasing your cat, it is important to stop it.
Follow your Pitbulls and use verbal commands to show your disapproval. The sternness of voice should convey that chasing a cat is not sanctioned behavior, and your Pitbulls should stop instantly.
If this method does not stop your Pitbulls from chasing the cat, you may need to employ a different method.
3. Use an Adjustable Lead
If your Pitbull keeps chasing the cat, try keeping your Pitbulls on an adjustable-length lead in the house. Make sure the lead is tied to you or is easily accessible. Keep treats on hand.
When your Pitbulls look at the cat, call their attention to you. If they come, give them a treat. Repeat this behavior each time your Pitbulls look at your cat. The lead will ensure your cat can roam freely without being chased, giving you better control of your Pitbulls should they not obey your commands.
Your Pitbulls will start looking automatically at you when the cat is nearby. Here, you can lengthen the lead and let your Pitbulls roam more. If the Pitbulls chase the cat, take them back on the information to control them. If they come to you, reward them.
Once your Pitbulls show little to no interest in chasing your cat when close to you and on a long lead, allow them to roam freely with the cat. Remember, lots of treats for good behavior will help get your point across and stop your Pitbulls from chasing the cat.
Other Ways to Stop Pitbull-Chasing Cats
If your Pitbulls don’t stop chasing cats, you may need to consider if any new factors in their life brought this on. For instance, is your Pitbulls getting enough exercise?
If not, they may use extra energy by chasing your cat around the house. Try taking them out for longer and more challenging walks.
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
Is a Dog Chasing a Cat Aggressive?
It is often because of the following instinct, but yes, a dog chasing, but it all depends on the circumstances. Most of the time, the dog and the cat could be playing, or the cat could have teased the dog.
It could also be that the dog was untrained, thought of the cat as a toy, and wanted to play with it as a chew toy. So, training is important.
How Do You Train a Dog with High Prey Drive Not to Chase Cats?
It would be best to teach the dog that you are the alpha of the house and that food only comes from your hands. You can do this by associating tricks and good behavior with the food you will only give at certain tasks.
You should also obedience train your dog and teach him that the cat is its friend, not a toy or prey.
How to Stop Pitbull’s Aggression Toward Cats
By introducing the Pitbull and the cat to each other, you can associate them as friends to each other. And since Pitbulls are very loyal and would never hurt a friend, they will never show any aggression towards the cat.
But it would help if you also considered your cat’s behavior, who might be teasing and triggering the do in some way.
It is very rare for Pitbulls to show aggression unless they are not properly trained. It is best to socialize your Pit with other humans and animals from a young age.
Cats agitate dogs through their actions, and even the calmest and most trained Pitbull will eventually snap. Early training of the Pitbull and the cat is the key solution to this problem.