Are Pitbulls Good with Cats? – Things You Need to Know

In media, Pit bulls are often depicted as aggressive dogs that can cause danger to other animals, especially cats and even humans. However, they can be loving and friendly when raised and socialized properly.

Pit bulls and cats can get along quite well. If you have a cat and are considering adopting a pit bull, you may wonder if they can stay peacefully. This article will explore whether pit bulls are good with cats and provide the information you need to know.

Are Pit Bulls Good with Cats?

Pitbulls are big muscular dogs that like to dominate other animals, and seeing cats as small animals, Pitbulls can bully them. But you will be surprised to know that often the bully is the cat.

Cats love to bully other animals and play with them but never hurt them. Since Pitbulls are larger than cats, your cat could attack out of fear and scratch your Pitbull, which can cause infections.

It might take some time and training before the Pitbull becomes good with the cat. Initially, it may not be the case, but after some effort, Pitbull can become good with cats and great pals.

Sometimes cats can also act aggressively; it’s not only about the Pitbull all the time. So, you have to keep track of the Pitbull and your cat. If you notice that they aren’t going well with each other, then it is advised to separate them for a while and try again.

Notice that it’s constructive to ask a professional trainer for help.

What to Consider Before Introducing Your Pit Bull to Your Cat?

The energy of both pets

Pitbulls are, by birth, full of energy and strength, so they also need a lot of exercises daily. They may eventually become agitated if not given sufficient stimulation. Their strength and power might not suit your cat and can cause a fight. While trying to make them get along, you must bear that in mind.

The temperament of both pets

Pitbulls are bred to fight, work and hunt and are well known for their strength and speed. They are very protective, especially of their owner and those around them.

In homes, they can cause problems sometimes if a cat is around. Notice that different dogs’ temperaments can be variable, so you must keep track of your dog’s behavior and character.

Limits and Boundaries

From the beginning, you must make certain limits and boundaries and try to train your Pitbull and cat to be familiar with their limitations.

Hence, they follow these limits and do not try to go beyond these limits, which can potentially cause danger. If your dog or cat feels uncomfortable, it can cause aggression, so training them immediately is advised.

When Does a Pitbull Become Dangerous to Your Cat?

You must know some potential dangers below to take action at the right time.


As Pitbull are genetically very aggressive, I can see your cat as a severe threat. Your dog might become aggressive with the cat, leading to wounds and injuries.

So as an owner, you must identify aggression and deal with it as early as possible.


If either your cat or Pitbull is older, then other than it will be more difficult for them to adjust, so it is advised to start early so that both young pets, along with you, have some time to adapt to each other.

Adjustments and adaptability may take longer if either has been in place much longer. If you still want to bring a new pet to the house, prepare an existing pet in advance; it could be either a cat or a dog.

Lack of Sufficient Social Involvement

Proper socialization and training are crucial for Pitbull to deal with aggression, primarily if the socialization and training are adequately provided at a young age with monitoring.

However, if you are adopting an old dog or a cat, it would be even worse and more difficult for you. In such a situation, ensure the animal has been sufficiently trained and socialized before returning home.

Past Trauma

Regarding pets, past trauma is complicated to deal with. If your pet has a bad time with the previous owner, then your pet, in this case, your Pitbull, can also be very apprehensive around others, particularly other animals.

In such a situation, it is essential for the owner first to provide love and care to their dog and then gradually introduce your pet to the cat with proper monitoring.

Rough play

Pitbull is very muscular and massive in size in comparison with a cat. While playing, sometimes the dog has no intention of hurting the other pet, but this can happen due to the difference in size.

Also, if one of them pushes the limits of the other or eventually takes the rough game too far, it could lead to problems. So, you must stay alert if this happens and try to separate them as soon as possible if the rough play goes too far.

How To Introduce Your Pit Bull To Your Cat?

1. Train and Socialize

Owners must Train and socialize dogs from an early age. Rely on positive reinforcement rather than adverse reinforcement or punishment on them to learn things. Early socialization will make your Pitbull more comfortable with humans, other creatures, and cats. Hence, your dog will not feel uncomfortable during these situations and will be trained to cope with different environments and situations.

2. Introduce Through the Barrier in The Beginning

In the beginning, try introducing the Pitbull to the cat through a barrier so they can see and smell each other but cannot physically interact. Seeing each other in the beginning will make them feel comfortable mentally and act normal when they meet physically. This act will train your dog and cat’s mind to function normally.

3. Allow Pitbull to Sniff the Cat

You can also start by introducing your cat Scent to the Pitbull and vice versa. You can keep the dress or toy or anything belonging to the cat near the dog so that your dog can get used to this smell and never get threatened, and when you bring them closer, they will be comfortable.

4. Continuously Increment the Nearness

When both dog and cat begin to feel more comfortable, you should move the barrier closer to each other so they can observe each other more closely.

5. Keep Dog Leashed

During your dog first interacts with the cat, you must keep your dog on a leash so that in case any mishap happens, you can quickly pull the dog back and avoid any damage.

6. Monitor Intersections

Pitbulls can be dangerous dogs for cats, so during the training process; it is essential to monitor your dog and your cat’s behavior to know the current progress and its positive. This will make you take more action accordingly.

You should never leave your cat alone with the dog, and if you can not monitor them, then you can let someone watch but never leave them alone so that in case of aggression, you can separate them.

7. Reward for Good Behavior

During the training process, rewarding them can be beneficial when your cat or dog shows good behavior and avoids aggression toward each other. It will train them to be good with each other.

8. It’s a Gradual Process

As an owner, you must remember that the results will only show slowly over time. Sometimes, it might take time for your dog to train and get comfortable with the cat.

9. Seeking Professional Help

If you’re encountering challenges or your Pit Bull appears to have signs of hatred, it is always best to seek professional assistance from a coach or behaviorist.

FAQs – Frequently asked questions

How Do You Introduce Pitbull to The Cat?

By birth, a Pitbull is a very energetic and muscular dog, so it would be dangerous to introduce him to the cat directly. From the beginning, you must train and socialize your dog to make him comfortable with the cat.

Initially, introducing through the barrier window is advised to avoid aggression from dogs or cats. You can make them smell each other to get familiar and stop acting aggressively. Then, after some time, you can remove and move the barrier closer to see the response.

Rewarding dog for good behavior is beneficial and motivation for your pets to stop aggressive acts.

Why Is My Pitbull Scared of Cats?

Cats are generally less social than dogs. When cats sense fear, they can raise their backs with their hair standing straight, murmuring, bearing sharp teeth and claws, and rushing in numerous directions.

Your cat probably had an awful or terrifying experience with a dog or isn’t socialized with a dog. If that is the case, introduce them slowly, as cats are very social with other animals.

How Do You Train a Pitbull Not to Chase Cats?

As before long as your dog looks absent from the cat, commend him lavishly and provide him a treat. Rehash each time your canine disregards the cat. Your dog will learn that at whatever point he sees your cat, rewards are prospective from you if he looks absent from the cat.


Finally, as long as you can manage, socialize and train your Pitbull and cat, monitor their behavior, make decisions accordingly, and reward your dog and cat on their excellent behavior, they will be good friends.

But it is not an overnight process; it will take some time for both Pitbull and Cat to get familiar with each other. Note that seeking help from the trainer can help your more quickly.

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