How Long Do Pitbull Puppies Teeth?

If you have a young Pitbull and you are wondering whether he is teething or is this aggressive behavior, then you are not alone. The teething stages of Pitbull puppies can be very confusing, and understanding it will help you better on how to help them and also avoid any aggressive behavior development.

Pitbull puppy’s teeth grow for five to six months, and try to bite everything they encounter.

How Long Do Pitbull Puppies Teeth?

Understanding the teething stages of Pitbull puppies is important before talking about the symptoms. Here are the teething stages of a puppy:

The First Teeth

The first stage of teething happens when you notice the first baby tooth. That will happen when the puppy starts switching from milk around six weeks.

Pitbull puppies may start to teeth at around five weeks old, but some may delay until they are eight weeks old. Pitbulls have 28 baby teeth, just like infants.

During this stage, your Pitbull puppy will experience pain and may start to chew or puncture any object he sees laying on the ground. By chewing on things, your puppy tries to relieve the pressure it feels in the mouth.

Losing Baby Teeth

Your puppy’s teeth will begin to fall out after a month, which is quick compared to when the teeth grow. Pitbulls lose their first set of teeth at three months, and the incisors are the first to fall out.

Molars Growth

The next stage is when the molars grow around the fourth month. At this time, almost all their teeth are about to come out. It’s best to take your puppy to the veterinarian to check the teeth that are coming and those that are already here.

Six Month Teeth

In the next stage, you will notice all the adult teeth coming into place. It’s the start of the sixth month, and you must take your puppy teeth correction if you notice any that could cause underbite or overbite.

Correcting the crooked teeth while your puppy is teething is easier than doing it after they have finished.

Furthermore, an underbite, overbite, or incorrect teeth will give your puppy a challenging time while eating. That’s why you need to correct this early to prevent such issues.

Adult Teeth

A Pitbull puppy takes eight months to fully develop all adult teeth, by which time he will be an adult. The puppy will have 42 teeth, which include 20 on the upper and 22 on the lower jaw.

It is the final teething stage, and you no longer have to worry about your puppy’s teething.

Symptoms of Teething in Pitbull

It is easy to notice the teething stages of a Pitbull, but sometimes, you may confuse it as your puppy being aggressive or sick. To help you understand the teething process, here are the symptoms of the process:

Swollen or Bleeding Gums

You may notice bleeding from gums when your puppy eats, but this is usually very little, and you shouldn’t worry. Bleeding and swollen gums show that your puppy is teething.

If your Pitbull is bleeding more than a minimal amount, take him to the vet immediately; otherwise, there is no need to worry.

Missing Teeth

If you notice that your Pitbull puppy has a problem chewing and has gaps in some areas that show a tooth or some teeth, have fallen out. You can find the teeth somewhere on the floor or in his feeding bowl.


A very common habit of puppies teething is that they start chewing on everything. Your puppy will chew on everything hard and in range to relieve the pain he feels due to the pressure of emerging teeth.

Pitbull puppies go through two stages of chewing, the first is when they are teething, and the second is when he is seven months old. The latter has nothing to do with teething but more boredom and entertainment and can last up to two years.

Lack of Appetite

Loss of appetite is something you may notice when your puppy is teething. That’s because teething is often painful, leading to puppies losing their appetite.

You might confuse this as another health issue; however, if your Pitbull doesn’t show any other symptoms, the lack of appetite may indicate teething.


If you notice too much saliva secretion from your puppy’s mouth, that could indicate new teeth are coming out. Sometimes, you may not notice the saliva on your puppy’s mouth, but your face may become wet, or you may notice them drooling when asleep.

Other Symptoms

Other minor symptoms may or not happen when your Pitbull puppy is teething. These symptoms include a soft cry-like whining and a low-grade fever. Foul breath is another indication of a puppy teething.

Tips on Surviving the Puppy Teething Phase

Now that you know the symptoms of teething and have confirmed that your Pitbull puppy is teething, you can make this phase easier for him by helping him. Helping your puppy through this stage will also save you from destroying house items and biting on you.

Here are the tips for helping your teething dog:

Understand that your Pitbull is in discomfort

The best tip anyone can give you is to tell you to be patient and have compassion for your Pitbull during the teething phase.

It is easy to lose calm because they are gnawing at everything possible. You may find out your puppy has chewed up your favorite pillow, shoes, and maybe something else you like, but it is only a dog.

Your dog is going through pain, and you wouldn’t want to go through it, either. This behavior is how he will get through the pain and relieve some pressure building in their gums as the adult teeth begin to push.

It may irritate you, and you might not be in the best mood, but patience and understanding while correcting wrong behaviors is a much better approach with your Pitbull during this process.

Get Some Toys

Rope toys and hard plastic toys will help your Pitbull puppy get through this painful stage of life. However, if your dog prefers soft toys, make sure that you have them as well. You can find such toys in the form of chew toys, but note that not all of them are ideal for your Pitbull.

Ensure all toys are used under your supervision, as the puppy may swallow some small chunks.

Chew Proof Your House

Proofing your house from the chew attacks of the puppy is a critical step to save your own hands, feet, and potentially young children but also your personal belongings.

Remember, pressure is building, and chewing helps relieve the pain, especially when they are young and do not understand any better approach.

If you do not want your dog to chew anything else other than his toys, discipline training your puppy is not enough alone. You need to keep the items out of their reach.

For instance, do not leave your shoes where your puppy can reach during teething. Or if you dont want your puppy nibbling at your hands due to teething, do not flaunt your hands near their mouth.

Puppy proofing is nothing more than common sense, but sometimes, most Pitbull owners forget these things. Trust me, and take a few minutes to puppy-proof the house during your Pitbull’s teething phase, and you will save yourself a lot of frustration, headaches, and even money.

Ensure you cover all cords, install baby gates, and supervise any outings near furniture.

Opt for Frozen Treats

A cold treat will help ease the swelling and pain of teething gum and keep your Pitbull from chewing on other household items. You can freeze some chew toys like Pet Qwerks Dinosaur Backbone Chew Toy, which helps soothe the aching gum and teeth.

You can also make homemade cold chew treats.

Switch to Gum Massage

You may want to start brushing your Pibtull’s teeth to relieve him, but hold on; you dont want to associate brushing with pain. Also You can introduce him to dental care with your Pitbull puppy, a gum massage if you must.

You only need to wrap gauze around your finger and dip it into toothpaste. Slowly start cleaning and massaging the gums to relieve your puppy’s pain. You can later get a dental kit for puppies.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Help My Pitbull with Teething?

Ensure you comfort your teething Pitbull puppy by providing him with chew toys and cold treats, massaging his gums, maintaining patience, and showing him love during this painful period.

Is It Normal for Pitbull Puppies to Bite a Lot?

Pitbulls do not bite; they gnaw or nibble on stuff to relieve pain from swollen gums caused by emerging teeth. In some cases, Pitbulls make a habit of chewing things, but that is the cause of boredom and neglectful parenting.

Pitbulls rarely bite someone because they are provoked or improperly trained by their owner.

At What Age Do Pitbulls Start Teething?

Pitbull puppies may start teething at five weeks, but sometimes puppies will start late at eight weeks. Teething happens in stages and goes on for almost six months.

What Are the Symptoms of Dog Teething?

The symptoms of a dog teething are swollen gums, bleeding from gums, missing teeth, chewing, drooling, lack of appetite, soft crying, and foul breath.

People often mistake most of these for bad behavior or other health issues, so consulting your vet may be a good idea.


The time to complete teething depends on your puppy, as some puppies stop teething earlier than others. There is nothing for you to be worried about as, on average, a puppy takes six months to complete teething or more.

All you have to do is watch out for the above symptoms and help ease your Pitbull’s pain during this period. If you are unsure about anything or think there is a complication, contact your vet immediately.

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