Why Does My PitBull Snort? – Things You Need to Know

It is unexpected for dogs to snort and can undoubtedly shock or scare us suddenly. But some dogs, such as pit bulls, can snort, and the reasons may fascinate you.

Your Pit Bull may snort for various causes, including communication, breathing in foreign items, or illnesses. Additionally, they make what is known as reverse sneezing, a noise that sounds like a snort and is typically not severe enough to warrant medical attention.

Continue reading to learn the cause of your Pit Bull’s occasional snoring and how to handle it.

Why Does My Pit Bull Snort?

As I said, your pitbull can snort to communicate with you, or it could be just sneezing due to a cold. Here are some reasons why your pitbull could snort.

Reverse Sneezing

Dog owners who have never witnessed a dog reverse sneezing may find it shocking and weird behavior. Dogs sometimes sneeze “in” instead of normal sneezing out.

Dogs may snort or honk while they reverse sneeze, and they may do so for a few seconds. You can take your dog to the veterinarian for a checkup if you believe it is reverse sneezing for the first time.

Nevertheless, you must not take your dog to the veterinarian each time it reverse sneezes. If you are aware of reverse sneezing/snorting, just ensure your dog returns to normal breathing after one or two snorts.

Snout and Skull Shape

The pitbull’s snout and skull shape significantly affect whether it snorts. This is because pit bulls have short snouts and broad skulls that may cause them to snort regularly whenever their nasal passage irritates.

Communication with Humans or Other Dogs

Dogs occasionally snort or snuffle to interact with other pets and animals. Dogs do this to show various emotions, including eagerness to play with other dogs.

Snorting can mean many things to dogs, but its exact meaning is unknown. Some dogs snort when they want to communicate with their human family members. They might snort for attention, vent frustration, play, or show hunger.

Pau attention if your pitbull needs help and is trying to communicate through snorts.

Sniffing and Exploring

Pitbulls use their noses to sniff and explore their surroundings. A dog’s nose is one of the most important components of its learning process; occasionally, your dog may snort to clear out their nasal passages and enhance their sense of smell.

This explains why your dog may simultaneously sneeze and snort. Nothing is wrong, so don’t worry if your dog keeps sniffing everything.

I told them they were acting like a dog would, and they would probably stop snorting quickly. However, it would help to remain aware of your dog’s actions because you never know what it might cause in the long run.

Irritation from Air Pollutants

Like humans, dogs can experience nasal irritation from pollutants or irritants. If you have ever sneezed after smelling smoke from a candle or fire, you know what I am talking about.

You shouldn’t be alarmed if your dog periodically snorts in response to air pollution. If your dog has trouble breathing, you should only remove the irritant and take it to the clinic.

Inhaling An Object

It is a scarce reason for snorting, but inhaling an object is noteworthy. Pitbulls have giant mouths and heads, so inhaling small things is not ordinary. These objects could be pieces of food, toys, or other objects.

Such things can get stuck in the dog’s throat or airway, partially or entirely obstructing them.

Take your dog to a veterinarian immediately if it has trouble breathing or if you suspect it has inhaled a harmful object. Such situations could lead to minor surgery.


Infection is one of the more severe problems that snorting could indicate. Snorting could denote a viral or bacterial respiratory infection.

However, snorting is not the only symptom of infections; other symptoms such as wheezing, sneezing, coughing, or running nose will follow suit.

Your vet will most likely prescribe medication if your pitbull is diagnosed with a respiratory infection.

Do All Dogs Snort?

If you own a dog, you’ve undoubtedly twice been astonished to hear your dog snort like a pig. Given that it affects the majority of dog breeds, you shouldn’t be too concerned.

Brachycephalic breeds characterized by short snouts or a flat face are the most common to snort. These breeds include:

  • Bull Mastiffs
  • Boxers
  • Pitbulls
  • Boston Terriers
  • French and English Bulldogs
  • Pekinese
  • Chow Chows
  • Pugs

Is There Anyway to Help Your Pitbull Stop Snorting?

Snorting is common in dogs, but some dogs experience it their whole lives. However, other dogs snort until they age, but it shouldn’t raise any concerns as it’s only temporary and doesn’t last long.

If your dog repeatedly keeps snorting for a long time, then you may try the following:

  • Gently blow on its face.
  • Massage its throat.
  • Hold its nostrils for a little bit.

This aids in stopping your dog’s snoring and opens up his airway. However, you should take your dog to the emergency vet right away for treatment if it has a severe snorting episode that wouldn’t stop and cause it to stop breathing.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Why Does My Dog Snort In?

In many cases, snorting is associated with respiratory illnessSnorting that starts suddenly and could be a sign that your dog has a cold, the flu, or another respiratory ailment obstructing its airways.

Your dog may also have symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, or sneezing with snorting in this situation.

Is Reverse Sneezing Painful for Dogs?

Like a normal sneeze where the air is gushed out forcefully, a dog’s reverse sneeze is often caused by irritation of the nasal cavity, larynx, or throat.

It does not cause pain, but this irritation can cause a spasm, with an attack lasting anywhere from 30 sec to a few minutes.


If you ever catch your pitbull snorting, you shouldn’t worry about it, as it could be nothing of concern. It will last a few seconds, and your pitbull will return to normal playing around.

If your pitbull has health issues and starts snorting for longer, you should immediately take it to the vet. Don’t worry about it but keep an eye on your dog.

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