How to Stop Pitbull from Pulling on The Leash?

Pitbulls are full of energy and muscular dogs, but due to their strength and stamina, they can pull their leash, and you can find yourself walking where your dog wants to as, holding their leash. Due to this, it takes a lot of work to control your pit bull.

Although it is annoying, you can certainly train your pitbull so that he stops pulling his leash and walks around with you comfortably. In this article, you will learn why pitbull pull their leash, the root cause, and how to prevent them from pulling leashes.

Why Does My Pitbull Pull on The Leash?

A Pitbull can pull on the leash for several reasons, and a few can be because of your negligence. So it would be best to look at every aspect here, or you will let your dog become stubborn and not listen to you.

Here are a few reasons your dog might be pulling on the leash.

Being Reinforced

Because dogs are unwillingly being reinforced, they pull on the leash; for example, the dog usually wants to sniff or smell. Your Pitbull will pull harder, and if you go along, you will reinforce this behavior. Through this experience, he learns he will get something he wants by pulling hard.


When dogs feel anxious and fearful, they pull their leash, and that fear can be of anything.

For example, when it sees a dog, Pitbull becomes aggressive due to a lack of socialization and training. It tends to pull its leash and move forward due to its nature to fight. Or if it is afraid of another dog, it will still pull the leash and try to maintain the gap between the other dogs.

On-Leash Greeting

Another reason your dog might pull the leash is that you have made a habit for your dog to greet the other dog on the leash. Allowing your dog to meet others on a leash will make it a habit for your dog to pull leashes and try to meet other dogs.

Dog Walks Faster

Dogs can walk and run faster than humans, making them uncomfortable on a leash because they walk faster.

Never Taught to Walk on A Leash

Another reason is that your Pitbull needs to be taught how to walk on a leash slowly without pulling it.

Dogs love to move freely and explore things independently, and leashes will make them uncomfortable. They will try to move forward with force because they are not trained to walk on leashes. So it’s your responsibility to train your dog correctly.

Understanding the Root Cause of Pulling

the root cause of dogs pulling leashes is that they naturally love to move freely and explore things independently. Because of their energetic nature, Pitbull are considered one of the strongest and most energetic dogs.

Their nature is to move freely, but when they are on a leash, they feel uncomfortable, and as a reaction, they will be forced forward.

There can be many other causes, like fearfulness, never being taught to walk on a leash, etc. But the root cause is their nature which you can not change. We can train them to move freely on a leash and not pull it.

Methods to Stop Pitbull from Pulling on The Leash

Now that you have understood the root cause of why your pitbull is pulling on the leash, it’s time to look at some methods to stop your pitbull from pulling on the leash.

But you must remember that only some methods will work for some dogs. Some of these can be helpful, but many times it is noticed that many plans don’t work. So you must closely monitor the progress to determine whether the process works.

1. Stick with Your Walking Method

It is essential first to choose a walking method for your dog. It can be fast, medium, or slow, but when you choose any method, it is most important to stick with it.

While walking, you must ensure that your dog is walking at the same speed and method as you. Then you will train your dog slowly that it is the proper method to walk like this.

Your dog must be clear on what is acceptable and what is not. You must be consistent with your approach, whether your dog will walk on the right, left, or in front of you.

2. Start in A Non-Exciting Area

To avoid failures while teaching your dog to walk on a leash without pulling. Choosing a non-exciting area, such as a place that could be more attractive to your dog, is necessary.

It would help if you did not choose a place like a road footpath because it has more hustle and bustle of traffic. And your dog will be attracted to it because of their nature to explore things and move around.

You can choose a place where your dog is calm so that you can focus on training him, and he will respond as well. Attractive places like parks and footpaths will make dogs attentive and attracted towards different other things.

As a result, focusing on your goal will be even more challenging. A place with no hustle and bustle will keep the dog calm and focus more effectively on your commands.

3. Treats to Encourage Your Dog

Dogs can be very jealous and love their owner more than anything. That is why time by time, they will try to train and get their owner’s attention, and even they can get jealous when their owner is not paying them attention or paying attention to other pets.

We can use this nature to train them by loving them on their excellent progress towards the goal, and we can also provide them with a treat on following you during the training.

Treats will stimulate the behavior in the dog’s mind to work even harder and try to be good for his owner to gain that love and treat.

4. Using a Front Clip Harness

If you dont know what a front clip harness is and its purpose, it gives you extra control over your dog by turning their boys away from something easier to do.

They are easy to use and are considered one of the best ways to teach dogs because of their impact.


it is natural for dogs to pull on leashes because of their nature which makes them get attracted to things and pull the leash.

Because as humans, we stroll, but a dog, especially a pit bull, is very agile and energetic and loves to walk freely and quickly. Therefore, it can pull the leash, but the proper training will train your dog never to pull it.

Remember that dogs will take time to learn manners and things, so be patient, love your dog, and train him as early as possible.

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