How to Train Pocket Bully? – Pro Tips

Pocket Bullies are stubborn, but it’s no issue if you have trained them from an early age. But for some reason, if you neglect your role as a responsible owner and don’t teach him discipline, their behavior can turn destructive.

Today I will teach you how to train a Pocket Bully like a pro, which will be very easy. So let’s get to it:

Preparing to Train a Pocket Bully

You will start your first impression when you bring your Pocket Bully home. And this impression better be good yet firm.

Before even bringing the puppy from the breeder or the shelter, you must ensure your house is ready to accommodate the new family member in every way. You must ensure that you have assigned a special place for the Pocket Bully in the house to have privacy and rest.

And before beginning training, make sure to complete the following tasks:

Essential Training Tools and Equipment

First thing first, you need tools and equipment for any possible scenario. Now tools do not mean something you can hit your Pocket Bully with; instead, it is to help you distract him, gain his attention, control him, and reward him.

If you follow my instructions, there will be no need for any punishments. So here is a list of tools you need:

  1. Collar and leash
  2. Harness
  3. Crate or a Cage
  4. Food  and Water Bowl
  5. Clicker
  6. Treats, lots of treats
  7. Chew toys
  8. Fence
  9. Suitable Food
  10. First aid kits

You can do this with all of this equipment in a medium quality, which will be fine. You can also replace treats with your puppy’s favorite meal, broken into tiny pieces for ease.

How to Train Pocket Bully?

Basic Training

Before starting the basic training of your new Pocket Bully, remember to keep calm because it’s just a little puppy, and keep lots and lots of treats on hand.

You must also remember keywords such as “yes,” “nice job,” or “good boy/girl” for use when the dog does something right. Basic training includes “Sit,” “Stay,” “Leave it,” “Down,” and “Come.”


Pick a treat in your hand, and let your Pocket Bully know you have it. Show them which hand you have it in (let’s call it the treat hand), and let the puppy smell it. Then follow these three simple steps:

  1. Place the backside of your treat hand near the puppy’s nose.
  2. Raise your hand so your dog’s head follows, and its butt goes down. Make sure to move your hand toward the dog at an upward angle so your dog has to sit when following.
  3. When the puppy’s butt touches the ground, you say, “Sit,” and give a tasty treat. Follow this with a “yes,” “nice job,” or whatever praise signal you choose.

Repeat this process multiple times, slowly increasing the duration between the “sit” word and the reward.

As I mentioned, put the back of your hand close to your dog’s nose so you can later utilize this as a hand signal.


Now take another treat in your hand and let your dog see it again. Now follow the following:

  1. From your non-treat hand, make a flat palm stop signal and say, “Stay.”
  2. Take a step back slowly and keep saying stay. Keep moving a couple of steps and keep saying.
  3. If the puppy has remained in its place, give him the release cue “yes” or whatever you choose. Let him get the treat and give lots of praise.

Repeat this process several times and take more steps each time. Always use the hand signal when you say “stay” to associate the two for a more straightforward command. Once the puppy nails the stay training, it’s time to “leave it.”

Leave it

The “Leave it” command will be similar to the stay command without the treat in your hand. I use the one-finger-in-the-air hand signal.

  1. Point your finger up, palm facing your Pocket Bully puppy. Do this on the floor with your puppy for ease at first.
  2. Have your puppy stay or sit and place a treat on the floor between you and the dog.
  3. Say “leave it” with your hand signal while standing away from the treat and the puppy.
  4. After a few seconds, you can give the release cue, such as “ yes” or “come,” so your dog can come and eat the reward.

Repeat this and add more time and distance between you and the treat. Give lots of praise when the dog follows through on the command.

When you get to the more advanced version, you can work on your dog, giving direct eye contact and not looking at the treat.


You should use the “Down” command to get your dog to lie on their belly. I have often seen this used for that and getting the dog to stop jumping up on someone or something. Stick to one command for one specific response. Have you got your treat? Good. Get down on the floor again with the puppy.

  1. Using your treat hand, get your dog to follow your hand as you move its palm down to the floor.
  2. As your Bully is following your hand to the floor, move it towards you and away from the dog to get them to stretch out their body along the floor to their belly.
  3. Once they have the belly on the floor in the down position, you say “Down” and reward them.

This one may take a little practice, but keep going, stay positive, and don’t get frustrated. If your Pocket Bully doesn’t get it a few times, do a few quick “Sit” commands, then return to the “Down” practice.


Last is how you train a Pocket Bully puppy to come when called. This one will especially come in handy for all sorts of situations. Making this one fun and rewarding is very important. When your Bully hears the command “Come,” it should be thrilled to run right up to you.

  1. Start training this command with a leash on your dog. Get on the floor, give a hand gesture motioning to yourself, and say, “Come.”
  2. Gently pull on his leash toward you if they don’t naturally come.
  3. Give him the yummy treat and praise when he is right before you.
  4. Once he does this with no leash prompt, you can remove it and increase your distance.

Try doing a “Stay” and have the release “Come” to practice both skills.

Congratulations! You are now alpha to the dog and associated with food and command. Once they have learned basic skills, try practicing in different environments with more distractions.

Advanced Training

After your Bully has learned the basic skills, it will be easier for you to teach him more advanced tricks and manners.

Teaching Social Skills

Generally, Pocket Bully dogs are very friendly pets. Growing up encircled by family is a perfect starting point for sharpening a Bully’s socialization talents.

Training them to act well with people and pets can start with regular walks. It is a fantastic way to exercise your Bully and keep him healthy and happy. Outdoor walks are also ideal for leash training and mingling with other dogs.

You can introduce your Pocket Bully to other people like your neighbors, people you meet on your walks, pets, and others. You can also begin training them to get accustomed to a vet visit.

Nevertheless, it is best to vaccinate your Bully before socialization training. Pups go through a biting and chewing stage. Thus, exposing them to other people and pets is not an exemplary idea when they are not vaccinated.

Potty Training

Another necessary training that Pocket Bullies require is to learn to potty properly. Potty training them earlier will make life more comfortable for everyone.

Your Bully should understand that there are better ideas than relieving indoors. This training can have a lot of hits and misses; therefore, you have to struggle more and have patience. Watch your puppy if they are sniffing, circling, and squatting. These are indications that they are likely to pee or poop.

Take your Bully outdoors or to his potty area and wait until he finishes clean-up the mess. Clean up instantly if your puppy does a potty during a walk, particularly in a public place.

Crate Training

Crate training is a perfect way of teaching subordination to Pocket Bullies. It also gives them a secure and relaxing space of their own so they can soothe. Always remember that the use of crates is not a punishment. Instead, it must be a secure place for them to rest and sleep.

  1. Make sure it is big enough for the dog to move around. Moreover, crates should let them watch what’s going on around them.
  2. Never force them inside the crate.
  3. Encourage your dog to explore the crate by putting blankets, toys, and some food.
  4. Once comfortable inside the crate, feed them inside it with the open door. You may close it when your pet feels secure after feeding.

Increase their stay slow until they feel comfortable enough to sleep inside the crate.

Exercise, Swimming, and Games

A healthy and fit Pocket Bully requires exercise. Besides the ordinary walks and tours, you can include activities your dog will enjoy.

Swimming is an all-around exercise, and most dogs love it. Let your Bully swim and play in the water, but always be mindful of their stamina. Let him get out of the water when he wants to.

Pocket Bully’s agility is ideal for training, combining obedience and physical activity. It involves a circuit of different obstacles that the dog must jump, dodge or cross. The master always goes by their side, which makes it very rewarding for the animal.

Tips for Effective Training

Consistency and Patience

As a Pocket Bully parent, you must be consistent and patient. It would help if you lived by this motto to accomplish your goals and be a great owner.

Importance of Consistency

Short 15-20 minute training sessions done every day or a couple of times throughout the day can reap great rewards in the short and long term.

Consistency is critical when training your Bully. Training every day will help commands and obedience training stick and provide that excellent mental stimulation your Pocket Bully craves.

A daily training session will make your smart Pocket Bully even smarter and strengthen your bond with your dog. This time is so crucial for both you and your Pocket Bully puppy.

Importance of Patience

Patience is a virtue. Pocket Bullies may be smart but are goofy and have a short attention span, so their behavior may tempt you before they are fully trained. Being patient when training your Pocket Bullies is best, as they act like babies.

Always use positive reinforcement, and the remaining patient is vital to do it. Watching them disobey your commands can be exhausting, so remember that your dog can read your body language and react accordingly.

Pocket Bully is not a human, so when you get frustrated, remember it is doing its best. So relax, take a deep breath, and start over on a happy note. Watching you smile, your Bully will get excited and look forward to what you have next for them.

The command “come” is a very important command that your dog must know. Two important things to remember when using the command “Come” to ensure you get the response you want are:

Never Repeat Yourself

Ensure you have your dog’s attention before using the “Come” command. We have all seen those owners bark, yelling, “Come! Come! Fluffy Come! Come Fluffy! Come!” The dog has wholly tuned out; this is called poisoning the cue. It will become background noise to your dog.

Never Discipline/ Scold Your Dog when They Come

If your Pocket Bully is at the park or in the yard and may not respond to “Come” immediately, but they do eventually return, never punish them.

You do not want them to associate “Come” and return to you as a negative; this defeats the entire purpose of the command.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Are Pocket Bullies Easy to Train?

Pocket Bullies are easy to train thanks to their high intelligence and the urge to please their owner. They do sometimes have spurs of stubbornness, but that is very rare. You can train your Pocket Bully only on high-praise and little treats, as they will strive to win your affection.

How Much Exercise Does a Pocket Bully Need?

Pocket Bullies need atleast 30 to 60 minutes of exercise every day. You can easily do this by going on a walk or a jog with your Pockey Bully. But ensure your dog is obedient trained, and you always have a leash.

How Do I Get My Pocket Bully Muscular?

Make your Pocket Bully do lots of exercises, weight pulling, running, give a protein-rich diet, and keep their health in check.

But be careful, as Pocket Bullies can easily overheat if overworked.


It is easy to train a Pocket Bully because their main goal is to please you can gain your approval. If you stick to your routine with consistency and a positive mindset, you will train your puppy in no time.

Training shouldn’t be just for teaching your dog discipline and gaining control over them. It also allows you to bond and form a friendship with your puppy. Keep a light heart, and you will do great.

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