How Strong is a French Bulldog’s Bite Force?

It is rare, really rare, for a French Bulldog to bite anyone, even when provoked. French Bulldogs are calm dogs with a small bite force. Dogs only bite someone when provoked or ordered, and Frenchies are so calm it is regarded as the best pet for a family.

Today we will learn about the bite force of the French Bulldog and why it is necessary.

How Strong is a French Bulldog’s Bite Force?

French Bulldogs have a Bite Force of 180 to 230 psi, less than the average bite force of dogs, which is 240 psi. Although their bite force is weak, Frenchies are known for chomping down on their jaws.

Frenchies can stubbornly clamp down and tug on toys or objects they don’t want you to touch. If your dog likes to bite unwantedly, you can train him to redirect that force positively.

Factors that Affect the Bite Force

The bite force of a French Bulldog is 180 to 230 psi. Only a few factors affect a dog’s bite force, and they are mostly all biological. The amount of bite force a French Bulldog exerts depends on its skull, jaw, muscles, and behavior.

Many dogs have different bite forces, which play a significant role in that bite force.


A dog that has a bigger skull will naturally have an immense bite force. A big head also adds more weight which helps in a tremendous bite force. A French Bulldog has a broad skull but is smaller than other breeds, making its bite weak.


The size of the jaws is another factor and also a critical factor. The stronger and bigger the jaw is of any dog, the bigger the bite force is of that dog. This also explains why bigger dogs such as Kangal and Mastiffs have a bigger bite force. The French Bulldogs have square jaws, but they are not the strongest.

Size of the Dog

The dog’s size is another obvious factor affecting the bite force. Smaller dogs cannot bite hard enough. The bigger dogs have a more extensive and meaner bite, naturally putting them ahead of the competition.


While dogs such as American Bullies have some of the most muscular builds, these muscles extend from every point, including their jaws. The extra muscles on their jaw help them bite hard.

The same cannot be said about the French Bulldog, as it may have a build that looks muscular; it is by no means powerful.


A dog’s behavior is fundamental in exerting a lot of bite force. If a dog plays around with you, he will not bite with full force. But the bite force exerted would be much higher if the dog has become aggressive and volatile.

The reason for this is the intention to hurt. If a Frenchie doesn’t want to hurt you and only plays around with you, the bit won’t hurt you. But if you have made him mad, you are in trouble as they are out to get you and intend to kill.

The Kangal has the strongest bite force and is a guard dog in Turkey for farming. Its behavior is to protect and hunt other predators, so it intends to kill, making its bite the strongest.

Measurement of Bite Force

The bite force is measured in PSI, as I mentioned above. It is the total amount of pressure applied on a single square inch. PSI stands for “Pounds per Square Inch.” The Nile Crocodiles have one the strongest biteforce at around 5000 psi.

Researchers calculate using digital bite meters. The power of a dog’s bite force has been studied in many ways. They are placed into nine classes based on their skull shape and breed size.

PSI is used to gauge a dog’s pressure at any given point. It’s a comprehensive measurement system, even used to measure the pressure of a car’s tires! Even the most scientifically challenged people can understand PSI.

The force released by a dog’s jaws differs based on the item they are biting. So, for example, a dog would not release the same amount of pressure chewing a toy as it would in a defensive situation.

Several studies have been done to measure the bite force of dogs. Many dogs surpass the French Bulldog regarding bite force, given below.

Dog Breed Bite Strength (psi)
Kangal 734
English Mastiff 556
Rottweiler 328
American Bulldog 305
American Bully 300
German Shepherd 238
French Bulldog 180-230

Importance of Bite Force in French Bulldog

Just like any other dog, the French Bulldog also has the ability to bite. However, they will not bite without reason, as they’re not a naturally aggressive breed.

Their tendency to bite will depend on various factors related to age, health, training, and overall living conditions.

Dog biting is a typical and natural behavior among all dog breeds, not just French Bulldogs. Every dog owner has to deal with their dog’s biting habits early on, and you must understand the bite force of your dog.

Your dog could be playing with you and bite you accidentally, so you should know how severe the bite is. Luckily, there are several tested and true methods to train your dog to be softer and stop biting.

Why Does French Bulldog Bite?

To start training your Fench Bulldog to control the power of their biting, you need to understand why dogs bite in the first place. Whether your dog is a small puppy or a full-fledged adult, dogs rarely bite for no reason.

So, let’s break down some reasons your Fench Bulldog might be biting you.

Your Dog is Soothing Its Gums

When small puppies are teething, their gums hurt a lot. In this case, they will probably resolve to bite anything they can get their little paws on.

Exerting pressure with their jaws helps them relieve some of the pain. That’s why we must teach them to do it safely instead of telling them to stop. You can also get them a chew toy that helps them relieve the pain.

Your Doggy is Scared

Fenchies can also resolve biting if they feel scared. Even though some dogs might look strong or a bit aggressive, they still get nervous in new environments and situations. French Bulldogs can use biting to channel their emotions or protect themselves when they feel threatened.

Your Frenchie Got Startled

Fenchies, like most dogs, have excellent hearing and a sense of space. This means on the rare occasion of them getting startled, they might react hard, and that reaction can very well be biting.

Dogs can get easily startled when they hear loud noises such as fireworks or thunder and if you wake them up too quickly or are old.

Your Dog May Be Protecting Something

A very expected use of biting is when your Fench Bulldog feels protective over something or someone.

If the dog feels threatened or someone is trying to take away their belongings, such as toys, treats, or sometimes even their favorite human, they might use their best weapon, their teeth, to protect what belongs to them.

See if Your Dog is in Pain

Even if your Fench Bulldog is no longer a puppy and is not teething, it might still have tooth pains. In addition, when your dog is in pain or injured, it might bite out of frustration. In this case, their increased mouthing activity can be a good sign for you to check for injuries.

He’s just playing

If none of the above causes apply to your Fench Bulldog, they might be just playing with you. Nibbling is a standard playing technique among dogs.

They usually do it affectionately, but they need some training to control the strength of their bite so that they won’t hurt you or your playing buddies.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

What Dog Has the Strongest Bite Force?

The Kangal dog has the strongest and nastiest bite force at 734 psi. Kangal is a big strong dog with many muscles and a giant jaw.

Can a French Bulldog Bite Hurt?

It depends on the type of bite; if the bite were just for play and small nibbling, it wouldn’t even break the skin. If the bite is aggressive and under tense situations, then surely the bite could damage the skin, and in some cases, you might need stitches.


Dogs possess the power to amputate or kill humans, but that does not mean they will do it. Biting a human unprovoked is not in their nature. They will never bite you if you train well and socialize them from an early age.

It is recommended to research the dog you are willing to buy. The French Bulldog does not have the strongest bite; instead, it is one of the weakest. The purpose of this article was to make you aware of the strength of the French Bulldog breed.

The intent was not to convince you that all French Bulldogs are aggressive or bad dogs. That could not be further from the truth, as they are loving, sweet, and loyal dogs. It comes down to their human owners.

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