How Long Should Labradoodles Eat Puppy Food?

How long should Labradoodles eat puppy food? Depending on the parents’ size, Labradoodles achieve their full size between 10 and 16 months. Switching to adult dog food is typically appropriate once your pet reaches the age of 16 months.

However, some dogs might gain from continuing to eat puppy food for a little while longer. In today’s article, we’ll discuss how to determine when your Labradoodle puppy is at the correct stage of development to benefit from adult dog food. Also, make sure you purchase the proper food for the age and stage of your dog.

How Long Should Labradoodles Eat Puppy Food?

Around 16 months, most Labradoodle puppies are ready to eat adult dog food. Puppies have different food requirements than adult dogs. Puppy feeds are designed specifically to help their fast-expanding bodies a result. There are some nutrients that, when consumed in excess or insufficiently, can have substantial negative effects on health and development.

Labradoodle Puppy vs. Adult Food

Compared to an adult dog, labradoodle puppies require around twice as many calories per kilogram of body weight. They need a different mineral balance for their quickly expanding bones and extra protein to sustain their increasing muscles.

Additionally, puppies digest and absorb nutrients differently. The digestive enzymes needed to break down proteins and carbohydrates have yet to be created.

For these reasons, you should wait until your Labradoodle puppy is fully developed before introducing him to adult dog food. In the same way, an adult dog shouldn’t consume puppy food. They have too many calories for an adult Doodle, which may cause obesity or orthopedic issues like hip dysplasia.

Swapping Puppy Food for Adult Food

You can switch your Labradoodle to an adult-formulated dog food once he reaches adulthood. It’s recommended to speak with your veterinarian if you need help determining when to transition. Make this adjustment gradually to lessen the likelihood of upsetting your Labradoodle’s stomach.

Mix roughly 3/4 of the puppy food with 1/4 of the adult food for the first two to three days. Mix equal portions of each food for the upcoming days. Change to 3/4 adult food and 1/4 puppy food by day five or six. After a few more days, start serving solely adult dog food.

How Much Should I Feed My Puppy Labradoodle?

The recommended feeding amount for a Labradoodle puppy is determined by its age, weight, genetics, and degree of activity. The type of food and how nutrient- and calorie-dense it is also influenced portion sizes.

On the labels of most processed goods are instructions for feeding. Make careful to split the daily total into several feedings spread out regularly. Start with the suggested guidelines, but watch your dog’s weight during this critical growing period.

How Often Should I Feed My Labradoodle Puppy?

The more frequently your Labradoodle puppy has to be fed, depending on how little and young he is. Under three-month-old puppies are particularly vulnerable to hypoglycemia. If they don’t eat frequently enough at this young age, their blood sugar levels could fall to hazardous lows.

Puppies of Labradoodles should consume four meals daily till they are three months old. This can be lowered to three meals between three and six months, and this should be maintained until the baby is at least six to eight months old. You can then go to two meals after this. Remember that you are still feeding him, just in smaller portions.

How Long Should Labradoodles Eat Puppy Food When They’re Under Weight?

Underweight puppies can benefit from continuing on puppy food for a bit longer than usual. But if your pet is close to two years old, you should consult your veterinarian before making this choice. They can be underweight as a result of another underlying health condition.

Given that the Labradoodle is a hybrid breed, it can be challenging to predict his adult size, particularly if he is a first-generation mix. The majority of Labradoodles are Labrador Retrievers crossed with Standard Poodles. The parent Poodle, however, may occasionally be a Miniature or Toy Poodle and will be much smaller.

Run your hands down the sides of your Labradoodle puppy to see whether he is the proper weight. He can be excessively skinny if his ribs are showing. On the other hand, he’s probably overweight if you can’t feel his ribs. If you want to change your puppy’s diet, asking your veterinarian for advice is a good idea.

Best Food for a Labradoodle Puppy

Food abundant in protein and fat is necessary for a Labradoodle puppy. Most people give their dogs commercial food, although homemade and raw diets are gaining popularity.

Nutrition for puppies must strike a precise balance. Commercial dog foods have the advantage of being designed with all the nutrients your Labradoodle puppy requires in the proper amounts and ratios.

If you choose to make meals for your developing Labradoodle, consult your veterinarian to ensure they are complete. You can search this website to learn more if you are still determining whether your puppy can enjoy eggs, cheese, or some other human food as a treat. But generally speaking, it’s best to stick with puppy-specific food.

Feeding a Labradoodle Puppy Dry Food

The most popular commercial dog food is dry food, also known as kibble. There are many options, it’s affordable, and it keeps well. Pick a high-quality formula designed especially for puppies from the many available options.

It’s vital to check the label because ingredients can change. Pick a kibble whose initial ingredient is a high-quality beef protein. Beware of brands that contain artificial colors, sweeteners, and flavors, as well as those that contain a lot of carbohydrates, such as grains, maize, and soy.

How Long Should Labradoodles Eat Puppy Food In Form of Kibbles?

The kibble for your puppy will have a date for the recommended age on the packet. While this will vary slightly between brands, as a general rule, your Labradoodle should be switched at around 16 months old. The recommendations are the same as for wet puppy food.

Feeding a Labradoodle Puppy Wet Food

Wet food has certain benefits, but kibble is typically a better choice for Labradoodle puppies. Although most dogs prefer it to dry food since it has more water, wet food is more expensive and keeps less well.

Wet food has negative effects on your puppy’s dental health as well. Soft, watery food won’t help them brush their teeth, which can lead to plaque accumulation and tooth decay over time.

A wet food diet can also cause loose stools. Instead of feeding your Labradoodle puppy only wet food, mixing or alternating between kibble and wet food is preferable.


Puppies of Labradoodles need a diet designed to assist healthy development and satisfy their dietary requirements. The maturation period for Labradoodles varies from 10 to 16 months, depending on the parentage. When dogs reach adulthood, they have distinct needs and require adult dog food.

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