Grey Cane Corso – Things You Need to Know

Cane Corso is a large Italian breed of Mollosar lineage and Gray is just a color of the breed. These beautiful dogs are muscular and large with strong bodies.

Grey Cane Corso is a loyal and protective dog that will listen to you but it can get a bit difficult to handle. These mastiff-like dogs are quite demanding and only suitable for experienced owners with large fenced houses.

Keep reading till the end to find all there is to know about the Grey Cane Corso.

Grey Cane Corso Breed History

The Cane Corso was first developed in Italy that descends from Roman war dogs. This mastiff-like dog was originally bred for hunting, farming, and guarding property.

The gray color has been found from the very beginning but it is a bit rare since it is caused by a recessive gene. The breed declined to such a level in the 19th century that it was thought to be extinct. But in the 1970s it was rediscovered and gained fame quickly.

The first Cane Corso arrived in the United States in 1988 but was only officially recognized by the AKC in 2010.

Grey Cane Corso Characteristics

Physical Appearance

Grey Cane Corsos are large dogs with a height between 25-27.5 inches for males and 23.5-26 for females.

The average weight of a Cane Corso is between 90 to 110 pounds for males and 80 to 100 for females. These beautiful dogs have broad chests, wide skulls, wrinkly foreheads, and floppy ears.

Some owners crop the ears but it is purely for cosmetic purposes. Their eyes are almond-shaped and can also vary in color, ranging from shades of brown to blue and yellow.

Coat and Color

Grey Cane Corsos have a short, stiff coat with a light undercoat with a grey shade that can be mistaken for blue or black. The coat sheds heavily twice a year, so have a strong vacuum cleaner handy to suck that small hair.

The Gray Corso can also come in Brindle which is even rarer than the simple gray. Brindle Gray Cane Corso has a brown or light brown base color and the gray comes in form of stripes. Brindle is referred to dogs with stripes pattern.

Most often people confuse gray Cane Corsos for Silver colored which is false.

Temperament and Personality

The Gray Cane Corso temperament is very serious yet sensitive. Being working dogs, they are quite independent and if not trained correctly, they will try to assert dominance.

Because of their size, Gray Corsos can easily overpower some animals or even people. However, despite their scary appearance, they are very kind. According to the statistics from the American Temperament Test Society (ATTS), 88.1% of the Cane Corso dogs passed the Temperament Test.

These large canines need to be engaged to avoid being bored and easily angry. Cane Corsos, on the other hand, aren’t extremely gregarious and typically feel at ease around their family. To help children understand that not everyone poses a threat, early socialization is essential.

Cane Corsos have a strong prey drive and can frequently hunt other animals down, even if some members of the breed get along well with other pets. It’s essential to introduce the dog to kids when it’s young. When your Cane Corso interacts with kids or other animals, keep an eye on them.

Cane Corsos are a well-liked option for keeping an eye on their owners and property because of their size and power. Yet they may not be the best choice for families with children.

Lifespan and Health

Cane Corsos have an average lifespan of 10 to 11 years. This breed, like other large breed dogs, lives less than their smaller counterparts because they age more quickly and are more likely to experience health issues.

However, if you provide your Cane Corso with a good lifestyle, suitable diet, exercise, and routine veterinary visits for preventive treatment, you can increase their average lifespan.

Common Cane Corso Health Problems

particular breeds of dogs are more likely than others to experience particular health issues. For Cane Corso specifically, the most typical health issues are:

  • Hip dysplasia is a hereditary disorder that can lead to discomfort, arthritis, and lameness.
  • In a potentially fatal illness known as gastric dilatation-volvulus, sometimes known as bloat, the dog’s stomach is filled with air and flips, cutting off blood flow. In these circumstances, immediate surgery is necessary.
  • Problems with the lower eyelids, such as ectropion, make them roll out or droop.
  • One of the most common causes of seizures in dogs is idiopathic epilepsy. This genetic condition has an unidentified explicit cause.

When searching for Cane Corso pet insurance, it’s crucial to take into account some of the breed-specific health issues you can run across whether you’re adopting an older dog or a puppy. As your pet ages, these health risks increase, making it crucial to enroll in insurance as soon as you can to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Grey Cane Corso Training and Exercise

Grey Cane Corsos are intelligent, obedient, and eager to please dogs which makes them easy to train. Early socialization and training are recommended for all breeds but in the case of Cane Corsos, they are an absolute must.

Socialization will help them grow into well-behaved and well-adjusted adult dogs. While obedience training will help them keep from dominant over you or anyone else. Cane Corsos respond best to positive training, treats, and praises.

And to keep those amazing muscles up to the task, these dogs need a great deal of exercise. A mile-long run twice a day should be enough to keep them fit and healthy. Gray Cane Corsos are working dogs and are the happiest when they have a task to do.

They need both physical and intellectual stimulation to prevent any destructive behavior. If you want to keep your Cane Corso mentally engaged, especially if they are left alone for extended periods, think about giving them enrichment toys like treat puzzles. Canine sports including dock diving, obedience, agility, and tracking are popular among Cane Corsos.

Grey Cane Corsos Diet and Nutrition

Large amounts of food are necessary for Cane Corsos. The precise amount of each feeding will vary depending on the food brand, but meal-feeding, which involves giving a specified amount of food at regular intervals, most frequently twice a day, is the best approach to maintaining a healthy weight.

Regular feeding schedules might also lessen the chance of bloat or stomach torsion. Think about your dog’s age, weight right now, lifestyle, and other medical issues while selecting a food.

Contact your veterinarian if you experience weight gain or have concerns about the type, quantity, or feeding schedule.

Grey Cane Corsos Grooming Requirements

The coat of a Cane Corso is short and has two layers. The undercoat sheds throughout the entire year, especially during the spring. They should be brushed once a week (daily during the shedding season), occasionally bathed, and occasionally had their nails clipped.

Price Of Gray Cane Corsos

The Gray Cane Corsos being a rare color among Corsos, is on the high-end price of the breed. The price for a Cane Corso is between $1,000 to $4,000 and an average of $15,00. Whereas the Grey cane Corsos will cost $3,000 only less than a few other colors.

If you are interested in buying a Cane Corso then you should do your research and buy from a reputable breeder. A good breeder will be able to provide you with a healthy and clean dog that will be worth every single penny.

Some good breeders that have Gray Cane Corso for sale are Diamond Crest Kennels, Norcal Cane Corso, Royal Guardian Cane Corso, and Blue Kings Cane Corsos.

But if you want to save money and still get a dog, I suggest adopting it from a rescue center. Keep in contact with your local dog shelter so you will know when a gray Cane Corso is available for adoption.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Question

Are Gray Cane Corsos Rare?

Gray cane Corsos are rare as they are hard to breed due to the involvement of recessive genes. Many people desire the Grey Cane Corso due to its similarity with black and blue colors.

What is a Gray Cane Corso?

A Grey Cane Corso is a dog breed that originated from Italy and has a gray color. It is a big strong muscular dog with a bite force of 700psi. The grey color is caused by a recessive dilution gene that causes the black pigment to turn grey.

Is a Cane Corso a Good Family Dog?

It is not suitable for inexperienced owners and families with small children since they easily overpower animals and humans. Their large size and athletic build make them suitable only for active and strong individuals.


Grey Cane Corsos are amazing dogs that will forever remain loyal if trained properly. You will never have a dull moment with these dogs by your side.

You will love and cherish every single moment with them thanks to their goofy and loving nature. But be careful as they are string dogs and can easily knock you over unintentionally while playing.

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