French Bulldog Dog Breed Information [Detailed Guide]

You have probably heard of or seen a French Bulldog online or in your neighborhood, and now you want to know everything. Well, look no far, as I have all the information about these adorable dogs.

So let’s get to it and learn all the information about the French Bulldog.

What is a French Bulldog?

French Bulldogs came into existence in the mid-1800s when Toy Bulldogs were imported from the United Kingdom and crossbred in France with local Parisian ratters.

It was bred to be a companion dog for girls in Lace Industry. The French Bulldog became a hit in households, especially royalties, and it began gaining popularity. It was soon imported to the United States and boomed in popularity overnight.

French Bulldogs are hard to produce because their anatomy doesn’t allow them to reproduce naturally. These beautiful dogs are some of the most expensive yet have one of the least grooming requirements.

French Bulldogs are often divided into Standard and Exotic categories. We will learn about that later.

Characteristics of French Bulldog

Let’s talk about the characteristics of the French Bulldogs to understand the breed difference better.

1. General Appearance of French Bulldogs

The French Bulldog appears to be an active muscular dog with heavy bones, a smooth coat, and a medium or small size that is compactly built. The cute puppy has an expression of alertness and curiosity and is always interested.

The back is bent with a slight fall close after the shoulders; short and strong, broad at the shoulders and contracting at the loins. The body is short and well-rounded. The chest is deep, wide, and full, well ribbed with the belly tucked up.

The tail is often straight or sometimes screwed (but not curly), short, hung low, deep root and fine tip, carried low in repose. Any alteration other than the removal of dewclaws is considered mutilation and unnatural.

2. Size and Weight of French Bulldogs

The male French Bulldogs usually grow from 10 inches (27 cm) to 13.7 inches (35 cm), whereas the females grow from 9 inches (24 cm) to 12 inches (32 cm).

The Frenchie males weigh 20 to 30 pounds, and the females weigh 17 to 28. Bone density is the reason for such a high weight in a small body. French Bulldogs have dense bones that make them weigh down.

3. Coat and Color of French Bulldogs

French Bulldogs have short, moderately fine, brilliant, and smooth. The skin is soft and loose, especially between the head and shoulders, forming wrinkles. The colors are where the French Bulldog is divided into categories.

Exotic Frenchie has rare colors compared to standard and common colors. You must know that the AKC does not recognize these colors as they fall under Fad colorings. Fad refers to colors that are bred purely for profit and are not done so to enhance the breed in terms of health.

The AKC does not recognize the following colors:

  • Black and Tan
  • Isabella
  • Lilac
  • Merle
  • Chocolate
  • Blue fawn
  • Fawn brindle
  • Blue
  • Black
  • Gray and white
  • Fluffy Frenchie
  • Sable

French Bulldogs with rare and AKC unrecognized colors are often referred to as Exotic French Bulldogs.

As for AKC-recognized colors:

  • Brindle
  • Brindle & White
  • Cream
  • Fawn
  • Fawn & White
  • Fawn Brindle & White
  • White
  • White & Brindle
  • White & Fawn

4. Head and Facial Features of French Bulldogs

Frenchies have large, square heads. French Bulldogs have moderately big, rather round, lower-set eyes that are separated from the ears by the skull. These eyes are neither sunken nor projecting.

A broad upper jaw draped over the lower jaw on the sides meets the underlip in front and covers the teeth hidden when the mouth is closed.

The underjaw is square, large, deep, undershot, and well-turned up. A robust, well-arched neck and loose skin on the throat is present.

5. Personality and Temperament of French Bulldogs

All Frenchies have a wonderful personalities. The distinctive personality trait of French Bulldogs is that they do not bark a lot and have the tendency to be generous, playful, and pleasant puppies.

Frenchies are very adaptable and can live anywhere and in any situation. Frenchies are the ideal home pets that can live in a small space because of their size and low maintenance needs, even though they aren’t guard dogs.

According to the AKC, Frenchies are the most popular pet dog due to their small height, friendliness, and quiet disposition. Frenchies are the number one choice for people living in apartments as they can easily fit in small houses.

6. Health Issues of French Bulldogs

It is widely accepted that French Bulldogs have many health concerns. While good breeding can alleviate some of the issues, below is a list of common health problems and how to spot and manage them if possible.

  1. Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome (BAS)
  2. Skin Fold Dermatitis
  3. Allergies
  4. Ear Infections
  5. Back and Spine issues
  6. Corneal Ulcers

What is the Cost of A French Bulldog?

A French Bulldog costs more than a normal dog. A standard French Bulldog costs from $2000 to $11,000.

The rarer the color, the more costly the puppy. The final cost depends not only on the color but also on the breeder’s reputation, the quality of the breeding parents, health, and size.

Usually, dogs from reputable breeders have the best health and the most cost, but it is worth every penny.

For an Exotic French Bulldog, you can expect to pay between $4500 to $11,000+. Here is a list of the cost of French Bulldogs:

Color Cost
Black (Brindle, Pied, Tan) $4000
Red(Pied, Fawn) $4200
Cream $5000
Full Black $4,500
Blue $6,500
Blue Fawn $6,500+
Chocolate $6,500
Fawn Brindle $4,500
Grey & White $5,000
Isabella $6,500+
Lilac $6,500
Merle $6,500
Fluffy $11,000+

Most of these colors are Exotic and not recognized by the AKC, yet they are some of the most expensive dogs. It is best to do your part to ensure you get the right puppy.

Always ask to meet the parents and ask for the pedigree. Doing all this will ensure the puppy is healthy and lives happily.

The Lifespan of a French Bulldog

The lifespan of a French Bulldog is 10 to 12 years, but with proper care, they tend to live up to 15 years. French Bulldogs are sensitive dogs and are only meant to be pet dogs, not guard or working dogs.

Refrain from expecting your Frenchie to do heavy work or hunting. They are built to cuddle you on the couch and play with your children.

Diet & Food for French Bulldogs


The protein percentage in the meal must be nearly 30% if you want your dog to stay healthy and active. You can easily find the percentage of any food product by simply reading the ingredients section on the packaging.

Make sure the first three ingredients are animal meats or high quality. A quality brand always puts in a lot of meats, from beef, lamb, turkey, ducks, and bison. These meats contain good amounts of proteins to help grow your dog.


If you are buying premium brand food for your dog, make sure it has some vegetables such as peas and potatoes. Some foods may also include spinach and carrots to provide fiber to the dog.


Omega-3 fatty acids maintain your Frenchie skin and coat healthily and lustrously. Omega-3 products like fish oil and coconut oil are some examples. Your French bulldog puppies’ veterinarian could advise feeding them a diet rich in the crucial fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Vitamins & Minerals

Make sure to add vitamins A, B complex, C, and D to your French Bulldog’s food. All of these vitamins are essential for your dog’s overall health, hair, skin, and bones. You can also supplement its diet with calcium and iron after visiting a veterinarian.

Pros and Cons of Having a French Bulldog

Here are some pros and cons you should know before getting a French Bulldog:


  1. You might be overjoyed to own a  Frenchie because of its rarity and unusual appearance.
  2. Frenchies are gorgeous and extremely attractive.
  3. French bulldogs are calm, friendly, and gentle canines. They don’t bark much, making them ideal for a small community or neighborhood.
  4. A small dog is ideal for people living in NYC and other large cities.
  5. Due to their small stature and compact bodies, they are the best dogs to keep in a small home or apartment.
  6. Because of their short coats, they shed less and require less maintenance. So if you tend to be a little lazy, these dogs are perfect for you.


  1. French Bulldogs have some of the stinkiest farts I’ve ever experienced.
  2. Frenchies are Prone to separation anxiety and clinginess. Separation anxiety is one of the most common behavioral issues in French Bulldogs.
  3. The AKC only recognizes nine French Bulldog colors.
  4. French Bulldogs are expensive. A normal French Bulldog will cost you around $3000 to $12,000.
  5. Due to their attention-seeking personalities, Frenchies are prone to separation anxiety.

Tips for Taking Care of Your  French Bulldog

Some people think raising a puppy is best done firmly, which may be accurate in their particular situation. The following guidance, however, might help you and your Black and Tan Frenchie become more robust and healthy than any other dog.

Give It a Proper Diet

French Bulldogs need a diet heavy in protein and enough vegetables and fats. To follow a good diet, one must satisfy their nutritional needs and their hunger.

30% protein, some carbohydrates, fiber, and minerals are a must in the diet. The diet should contain vitamins as well.

Maintain your Dog’s Healthcare

Although Frenchies are a generally healthy dog breed, as I’ve already mentioned, you may still take care of your Frenchie. The absolute minimum that you can and should do for your dog is to treat them for fleas and worms and ensure they have received all necessary immunizations while they are still puppies.

When your Frenchie is four months old, you should start deworming them; at that time, you should also treat them for heartworm and tapeworm. It would be beneficial if you repeated this procedure as frequently as the veterinarian advises, once every month.

Additionally, ensure your dog has a three-year rabies vaccine at six months of age. You should avoid letting your dog have rabies if you intend to keep it for a long time because it is a highly hazardous and devastating condition.

Exercise for Active Body

You must give your dog at least 30 minutes of exercise daily because Frenchies are indolent and want to lounge around. Please stroll once each day. Just be mindful of any overheating symptoms because Frenchies can easily become overheated if forced to push themselves beyond their comfort zones.

Get your French bulldog some toys to keep them occupied and active indoors if you cannot take them outside. It’s important to keep your French Bulldog mentally and physically active to maintain its health.

Obedience and Discipline Training

The puppy needs to be trained in obedience if you want to maintain control over it. Frenchies are often obstinate and will try to undermine your authority by disobeying you.

You must teach your dog a few basic disciplines while remaining firm yet kind. The discipline’s foundational concepts are sit, stand, come, stay, and go.

Different French Bulldog Types

The different types of French Bulldogs are only distinguishable by their colors. Here is a detailed explanation of every kind of French Bulldog.

White French Bulldog:

One of the dominant and standard colors, white, is easily recognizable. A white French Bulldog is 90% white with little patches of black or tan on the paws and chest.

Black Mask French Bulldog:

A Black Mask French Bulldog has pigmentation on its muzzle and chin that gives the appearance of a Black Mask. A Black Mask can appear on any base color, but the AKC only recognizes it in fawn and white French Bulldogs.

Black Brindle:

Brindle is a tiger-striped pattern on the French Bulldog’s coat. With Black as the main color, it is usually accepted by the AKC.

Cream French Bulldog:

French Bulldogs have a solid, beautiful Cream color caused by a single recessive gene. The cream is a rare color, but the AKC recognizes it. The cream color genes can take over other recessive genes, and that color is often called cream covered.

Platinum French Bulldog:

Platinum coat refers to a combination of Blue, Cocoa, and Cream. The dog will have a slightly different look to cream in that the normally dark features, such as Eyes and Nose, will appear lighter.

Blue Exotic French Bulldog:

The Blue Frenchie color is caused by combining a set of recessive genes. These genes are located in the D Locus and are called the dilution genes. The dilution gene lightens the Black colors which are present within the Frenchie, but the gene being recessive, it requires both parents to be passed on by both parents.

Chocolate Exotic French Bulldog:

The Chocolate French Bulldog is considered a non-standard Frenchie color and, therefore, Exotic. There are two different ways a Chocolate Frenchie can appear, and both are recessive genes. The more common genetic combination for producing Chocolate relates to the Cocoa gene.

Chocolate Merle Exotic French Bulldog:

Merle itself is a dominant gene but is not known to be present in the original genetics of French Bulldogs. Due to this, it still needs to be found within French Bulldogs. The Merle patterning displays itself in patches of lighter and darker fur across the body of the Frenchie.

Chocolate Brindle Exotic French Bulldog:

Brindling is a unique-looking effect found on many different types of dogs. It is commonly seen within French bulldogs, leading to a tiger stripe-style pattern of lighter and darker shades, which leads to a beautiful Light/Dark Brown effect throughout a Chocolate Frenchie with a unique look.

Chocolate Fluffy Exotic French Bulldog:

A set of recessive genes causes Fluffy Frenchies. They can also be referred to as Long-Haired French Bulldogs. They have different grooming requirements than a standard French Bulldog because they don’t shed as much. Their long hair also makes some believe they are hypoallergenic, although this is unconfirmed.

Chocolate Tri Color Exotic French Bulldog:

Chocolate Tri Color French Bulldogs combine the recessive Chocolate gene with the rare Tan gene. This leads to a combination of Chocolate, Tan, and White in a beautiful Tri-Color effect. This rare and expensive Frenchie is only achieved through targeted breeding.

Lilac Exotic French Bulldog:

Lilac is formed by combining the recessive genes in the Blue and Chocolate French Bulldog. The Lilac color requires a specific part of the Chocolate genetics: the Cocoa gene. Combining the Cocoa gene with Blue gives off the beautiful Lilac effect.

Isabella Exotic French Bulldog:

Isabella is similar to a Lilac and is often called Double Lilac in several ways. The difference between Lilac and Isabella relates to the Chocolate genetics, which is combined with Blue to produce the mixed color.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Are French Bulldogs Expensive?

French Bulldogs are some of the most expensive dogs because of the difficulty and cost of breeding them. French Bulldogs cannot give birth naturally, nor can they mate naturally.

A single C-section for a French Bulldog costs around $1000 to $3000.

Why Are French Bulldogs so Special?

French Bulldogs are bright, affectionate, caring, intelligent, fun-loving, and easy-going dogs that love to cuddle up with their owners.

Their goofy yet cute look attracts everyone who looks at them. French Bulldog’s friendly personality is perfect for family dogs.

What is the Weakness of The French Bulldog?

The French Bulldogs are prone to health issues such as spine and back issues that can cause paralysis and weakness in the hind legs. It is their biggest weakness, so they need special care and regular check-ups.

Do French Bulldogs Bark a Lot?

No French Bulldogs do not bark a lot, and that’s one of their best features. Frenchies only bark when they are extremely excited or feel an imminent threat.

French Bulldogs snore and snort a lot, but it is still attractive.


French Bulldogs are adorable in every color, regardless of recognition. You can have a beautiful pet dog if you care for it properly. You will enjoy every moment with your exotic dog, and the beauty of Frenchies can be a really good starter for conversations.

It is a privilege to own a French Bulldog, and only a lucky few can care for them.

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