In theory, you can breed almost any dog breed with one another, but that doesn’t mean it will give you the best offspring.
The resulting puppy could have genetic defects and serious health issues. Breeding a Pocket Bully with the Standard Bully seems plausible, as both are the same breed but different in height.
Today we will learn how to easily breed a Pocket Bully with a Standard Bully.
Can You Breed a Pocket Bully with a Standard Bully?
Yes, you can breed a Pocket Bully with a Standard Bully and have puppies that are a mixture of both dogs. Both dogs are American Bullies, and the key difference is their size and a few genetic differences.
The Standard Bully
Standard Bully is a mix of an American Pitbull Terrier, an American Staffordshire Terrier, and an American Bulldog. The Standard Bully is used for comparisons among the other American Bully classes as it has the best-looking physique.
Typically the Standard Bully has a height between 17 inches and 20 inches and weighs around 30 to 70 pounds.
The Pocket Bully
Pocket Bully mixes the American Bully with the Patterdale Terrier. The Pocket Bully was bred to get a Standard Bully but in a smaller size.
Pocket Bully stands tall at 13 to 17 inches and weighs around 20 to 50 pounds.
Factors to Consider when Breeding Pocket Bullies with Standard Bullies
Before you start breeding a Pocket Bully with a Standard Bully, you need to consider a few things to ensure you breed a healthy litter of puppies while getting the desired traits that you are looking for.
You must:
1. Decide the Traits You Want in The Resulting Puppies
If you are trying to breed two different breeds without any purpose, you should stop and forget the idea of breeding. Breeding isn’t a simple game that you can play and forget.
You must move with a plan and remember your characteristics, such as color, size, and temperament. All of this can be decided by studying the genetics of both parents.
2. Confirm that Both Parents Are Physically and Genetically Healthy
Call and schedule a “breeding soundness assessment” with a breeder-friendly veterinarian before breeding. Inform them that you intend to breed Pocket Bully with Standard American Bully.
As your dogs are both Bullies, your veterinarian may need to take X-rays of your dog’s joints or possibly schedule further screening tests with a cardiologist or an ophthalmologist.
3. Confirm that Both Parents Are Protected from Deadly Diseases.
Ensure the Pocket Bully and the Standard Bully you intend to breed must be properly vaccinated. If either parent is due for a vaccine, they should have them well before the breeding date.
This is especially crucial for the female since she will give immunity to her puppies via colostrum; therefore, protecting her immune system is critical for the babies’ health.
4. Confirm that Both Parents Are Behaviorally Healthy
Because you don’t want to develop a monster for a bully, you must confirm the behavior and temperament.
This is significant since the mother will teach her puppies from birth; therefore, we should only breed Pocket Bully and Standard Bully puppies with outstanding temperaments.
5. Consider how Prepared You Are for Emergencies
Emergencies are unavoidable in life. Because you are breeding Pocket Bully with Standard Bully, a few emergencies are possible.
Make sure you’re prepared for these. Check that you have a whelping kit on hand. Also, do some studies on warning indications that a c-section is required.
6. Make Sure the Parents Are at A Safe Age
When the female is not sexually developed enough, avoid breeding. The age range at which pregnancy is appropriate depends on various characteristics, and because you are breeding bully dogs, consult with your veterinarian.
Here is a basic timeline showing when male and female American Bully dogs are prepared to begin mating:
Female Bully dogs
Female Bullies don’t go into heat for the first six months of their life. This does not imply they are ready for sexual activity at six months old because they are still in their infancy at six months old.
To be done safely, breeding is optimal after your female Bully has reached one to two years of age.
Male Bully dogs
When the male American Bully dogs are between six and twelve months old, they can be bred. However, competent American Bully breeders and qualified vets advise waiting until your male American Bully is a year old.
Signs of Heat to Watch Out For
- Vulva discharge that may be pink in color
- Vulva swelling
- Increased receptivity and friendliness to male dogs
- Heightened vocalization, particularly groaning, wailing, yowling, and weeping
- Female dogs are more aggressive.
- Restlessness
- Frequent urination
- Moving her tail to the side or lifting her behind toward male dogs
Breeding Pocket Bullies with Standard Bullies
Now that you are ready and have everything you need, ensure both parents are prepared. It would be best to bring an experienced breeder to help you breed both dogs together.
When the female is in heat and the dog is the appropriate age, you can bring them together for mating. You can let the male do all the work or go with artificial insemination. Artificial insemination is the better option to avoid any injuries.
After the female dog is pregnant, it will continue for another 60 days, and you may need to go for a C-section. Stay in touch with your vet to avoid any health complications.
There are a few possibilities depending on how the breeding process goes and how well the parents are. Considering that the parents were healthy and everything went flawlessly, you can have cute puppies you will love.
There is a possibility that the resulting puppies maybe even smaller than the Pocket Bullies or larger than the Standard Bullies. This is because both of these dogs have ancestors that were larger and also other smaller ones as well.
Another possibility is that both parents had recessive genes that could lead to unhealthy puppies. It is hard to tell with the hidden genes since even seemingly healthy dogs could carry harmful genes.
There is a bright side to this: even if you fail to accomplish your goals, you will still learn a great deal. Other benefits include:
- You can produce puppies that have specific characteristics.
- You get to control the bloodline of your dogs, and if successful, you can start an entirely new one.
- You can improve the health of future dogs through the selective breeding process.
- You may make a profit by selling the resulting Bully puppies.
- Breeding is a great way of meeting other people with the same interests as you about the Bully breed.
- You also get to spend time with some really cute American Bully puppies.
Like any process, there involve risks, and breeding is no exception. There are a lot of problems that could arise and interfere with your plans.
The possible risks could be:
- Probably the biggest risk involved is health, not just for the future puppies but also for the mother. American Bullies are muscular and often require a c-section to give birth. As you know, any surgical procedure includes risks of life loss.
- Another risk involved is a genetic mutation. This can occur despite the parents being perfectly fine. Genetically mutated puppies have many health issues, such as cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, etc.
- Often kennel clubs do not issue a registration for new and mixed breeds, which could lead to legal issues later on.
It is easy to breed a Pocket Bully with a Standard Bully, as both are different classes of the same breed. Breeding is an interesting yet challenging procedure that requires lots of work.
You will need help from an expert and keep cash for emergencies. It would help if you stayed patient, as anything could happen, and you may lose out on the first try. I wish you good luck!