American Bully vs Pitbull – What are the Differences?

There are so many dog breeds that you will get tired of counting them, but the most popular ones are Pitbull and the American Bully. People often confuse the two as a single breed, the American Pitbull Terrier, but they are two different breeds.

American Bully has gained popularity quickly despite being a newer breed than Pitbull. And this popularity is partly thanks to Pitbulls with whom people confuse it.

Well, there are plenty of differences between the two breeds, so let’s see what they are:

History of Origin

American Pitbull Terrier AKA Pitbull

The Pitbull is a much older breed, as it was first bred in the 1800s to be a fighting dog. Pitbulls used to participate in animal fighting games, and people would fear this dog because of its brutal nature.

It had a brutal life of training to win aggressive fights against bulls and other dogs in a pit, hence the name Pitbull. This breed became known for its notorious aggression.

Pitbulls are a mixture of Old English Terriers and Old English Bulldogs. Its genetics depicts why this dog is strong and full of energy.

Old English Terriers are known for their energy, and Old English Bulldogs are famous for their strength and physique. This is why both breeds were crossed to make a puppy with the best qualities.

American Bull

Compared to Pitbull, the American Bully is a new breed that gained fame in a few decades. The American Bully was bred between 1980-1990, and unlike the Pitbull, this breed was created to become a family pet dog.

American Bullies are friendly and gained quick fame thanks to their build and variety in size. The American is a result of mixing the American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pitbull Terriers, and American Bulldogs with a few other breeds.

American Bullies are known for their amiable nature, especially with children. The aggressiveness associated with their ancestors was bred out of them through selective breeding and proper training.

Is an American Bully a Pitbull?

The most commonly asked question about American Bullies is if they are a Pitbull, and many people say yes because they have no idea about both breeds. They are different, even though the American Bully is nicknamed a Bully Pitbull. American Bully is a mix of the American Pit Bull terrier and other bully dogs.

Hence it was named the American Bully. Most people don’t know this fact and call every bully-type dog a Pitbull. However, there are significant differences both physically and genetically.

American Pitbull is a purebred breed, and the American Bully is an offspring of the Pitbull, hence a crossbreed. The AKC does not recognize either one of them.

Pitbull vs American Bully

People wonder whether these two breeds vary in any way. At the same time, they are comparable and distinct. They appear to have different looks, but they share the same nature. Keep reading this article; you can learn about the differences between these two and their shared characteristics.

1. Appearance

Both dogs are physically distinct. Compared to the Pitbull, the American Bully is larger and more powerful. The Pitbull is more robust than the American Bully, but not by as much. The American Bully has a wider framework and is shorter.

The Pitbull, on the contrary, is a little more svelte and higher. The heads and legs of American bullies are bigger. Their thighs are spread apart, and they have wide chests.

The American Pit Bull Terrier

Pitbulls have blunt edges and broad skulls. They have a strong, graceful visage that is well-chiseled. A powerful dog with a well-built muscular frame is what an American pit bull terrier looks like. It has a smooth visage except for the forehead wrinkles caused by focused attention.

The American Bully

The American Bully has a wide, substantial head that complements its size. Its visage and body are clearly defined. It has a lower jaw that is fully developed and a muzzle that is shorter than the skull.

It has broad nostrils that typically match the hue of the coat. It has cheeks that are free of wrinkles and well-defined, prominent musculature. It gives off the appearance of a powerful dog with evenly distributed muscles throughout the body.

2. Height and Weight

The two breeds are distinct in terms of height and weight. American Bullies have various heights, and Pitbulls are just simply one height. Pitbull males have medium to large-sized bodies and measure between 30 and 90 pounds. Their height is between 18 and 21 inches. Pitbull females typically measure 30 to 50 pounds and stand 17 to 20 inches tall.

Pitbulls are taller than American Bullies. Due to more muscles, a male American Bully weighs more than a Pitbull. The weight of an American Bully varies with height and size and ranges from 30-150 pounds for both sexes. The males’ measurements vary from 14 to 23 inches tall.

The female Bullies are smaller at 13 to 21 inches. The American Bully is divided into four official classes based on their size. These are Standard, Classic, Pocket, and XL Bullies.

Standard American Bully grows tall at 17 to 20 inches and weighs 50 to 75 pounds. Officially the smallest size is the Pocket Bully, which is no smaller than 14 inches and no bigger than 17 inches; it can up to 50 pounds.

Classic has the same height as a standard bully but weighs less at 50 to 65 pounds, and XL Bullies are the biggest, standing at 21 inches to 24 inches and weighing 80 to 130 pounds.

3. The Muscular Build

Both types are built with muscles. Compared to Pitbulls, American Bullies have a stockier build and a brawnier figure. The Pitbulls’ body bulk gives them a beefy, hulking appearance, but the American Bullies look the best overall. Despite being small, they have a larger amount of body fat.

Due to their muscular build and intimidating appearance, Pitbulls once ruled the globe. Unquestionably, this breed has the most muscle. You can see strength and dominance when a Pitbull walks down the street.

However, American Bully has a leg up on Pitbulls. When you see an American Bully walking through the streets, you get the impression that a fighter is returning from a victory. Or a bodybuilder just returned from the gym.

4. Coat

The coats of the two breeds are comparable. They lack an undercoat and have short hair with smooth bodies. The hair is uniformly short and short all over. The surface has a soft, lustrous finish. Since they only have a single coat, they can’t live in frigid climates.

Since they are not prone to tangles and hair ties, grooming is not difficult. A rubber mitt and a fine-tooth comb are the best tools to brush their hair. Their coat will appear shiny if you give them a once-over every so often.


As I mentioned before, there are some similarities between both breeds. The life expectancy is almost similar for both American Bully and Pitbulls. Both breeds are generally healthy and tend to live between 8 to 15 years. If properly cared for, they can live longer than 15 years.

Both breeds need proper exercise and a good diet to stay healthy and active. Being muscular, these breeds ten become overweight if not given daily exercise. Obesity can lead to various health issues and can cost them their life.

Sexual Maturity

For Male American Bullies and Pitbulls

Like any male dog, male Pitbulls and American Bullies become fertile as they age six months. However, it is advised to wait until 12 months old before breeding them.

When they are between 12 and 15 months old, they become sexually mature. Both males and females of either breed can become pregnant at any time of the year if the male is in good condition.

Once they reach sexual development, bullies and pit bulls can mate at any time of the year. Male dogs in their senior years are still fertile and sexually active.

For Female American Bullies and Pitbulls

All breeds of female dogs typically reach sexual maturity at 6 to 24 months. Anytime after their sixth month of life, they experience their first menstrual period. It is advised to breed females of both types following their initial heat cycle.

The American Bullies can have three to four heat cycles per year due to their tiny size. Pitbull females have comparable heat cycles to American Bullies, despite being slightly larger than Bullies.

The Temperament of American Bullies and Pitbulls

Pitbulls have bad images attached to them due to the history of their ancestors. What people don’t know is that they were trained to be aggressive by their owners.

Pitbulls are naturally sociable and very trainable. With the proper instruction, you can shape them into anything. They were well known for their aggression and intense desire for dog fights, which is why.

American Bully, a smaller form of the Pitbull, was bred by dog lovers to combat the stigma associated with the breed’s reputation. The best breed to choose from when adopting a dog is one bred to be a companion.

The friendliest breed in the world, American Bullies are wonderful companions, particularly for kids. They have a lot of energy and are very active. Like American Bullies, Pitbulls are friendly and tolerant, but they also have a tenacity that needs to be overcome through appropriate training.

For both breeds, socialization is strongly advised. The more they interact with others, the less likely they will be alarmed by outsiders and behave appropriately if they do.

Affinity With Owners And Their Family

Pitbulls and American Bullies have wonderful relationships with their masters and families. When it comes to intelligence, affection, and loyalty, they have comparable qualities.

American Bullies

American Bully was created to develop a loyal, devoted, intelligent, and friendly breed. American Bullies have all these traits and are alert, responsive, owner-pleasers, and quick learners.

They love to please their owner and will do anything to make them happy. Bullies are friendly and tolerant towards children and friends, as they think of them as their own family.

You can even expect tolerance for strangers in your Bully, making them unfit to be guard dogs. However, they can and will defend their family if threatened.


Pitbulls serve as their masters’ henchmen. They are devoted to their masters and families and fiercely guard them. All members of the family, particularly the kids, get along with them.

Pitbulls need to feel loved to offer their owners, unconditional love. Their senses for defense are strong. Although they are not intended to be guard dogs, they will take any necessary precautions to defend their owners if they feel threatened.

Pitbulls enjoy a close bond with their owners and relatives. They can be friendly toward strangers, which requires excellent socialization and training.

The secret to getting your dog to accept new individuals and managing their anxiety around them is socialization. If you show them you care, they’ll ensure you have their undivided affection.

Diet & Eating Habits

The American Bully’s widely disparate weight and nutritional requirements make comparing these two regarding nourishment challenging. The typical Pitbull will eat two to three cups of kibble per day.

However, the Bully could eat anywhere from 1.5 to 5 containers daily. It follows that the weekly cost of food may be entirely different or nearly the same. For specific guidance, you should ultimately adhere to the feeding and packaging directions for the food.

American Bullies need to consume kibble designed for bullies. Pitbulls will thrive on a portion of food that is suggested especially for them. Feed them the finest food you can afford, as you should with all dogs, because diet can significantly impact their health.

Feed them both foods suitable for their ages, especially while they are puppies because it creates the framework for a fit body. Be prepared for some obnoxious nights because Bully gas, according to many Pitbull-type dog owners, is the worst.


Thankfully, the coats on both of these puppies are simple to maintain. To keep their straight, short hair appearing healthy and shiny, they only need to be brushed once a week. It will distribute natural coat oils, get rid of dead hair and dirt, and be a relaxing time with your dog.

A short bristle brush would be a wonderful brushing tool for both of these guys. Bullies and Pitbulls both sweat on average. Both do not blow their coats on a seasonal basis, which appeals to many proprietors.

Once every two to three months, both dogs should get baths. Or as and when they require it if they get dirty while on their walkies. Just once every month at most.

It is advised to use a shampoo made for dogs with sensitive skin when shampooing either of these puppies. At least twice a week, they should clean their teeth. Due to their increased risk of periodontal illnesses, you might need more if you have a small Bully.

Health Issues

No matter how healthy an American Bully or a Pitbull may be, they still experience health problems like all other dogs. Pitbulls and American Bullies generally have similar health problems.

Genes or aging are two factors that can contribute to some generic issues. However, some problems are brought on by the owner’s carelessness and starvation. The issues that both types must deal with are as follows:

1. Hip Dysplasia

It is one of the most common health issues among dogs, regardless of breed. After a certain age, this issue arises in every dog. Due to the hip joints’ malformation in this illness, pain is present.

The hip is malformed when the joint and socket rub against each other. The dog’s pain makes it uncomfortable and challenging to move. These are the signs of this illness:

  • Body appears thin
  • Fewer activities
  • Lameness
  • Difficulty moving and standing up

2. Thyroid Disease

The Pitbull family is afflicted by this illness frequently. Do a thyroid disease examination if you suspect your dog is putting on weight and exhibiting skin issues. The dog’s metabolism is impacted when the thyroid glands cannot produce enough thyroid hormones. These are a few signs of the illness:

  • Loss of appetite Lethargic.
  • Obesity
  • Anemia
  • Skin conditions

3. Knee Complications

Both of these types are extremely energetic and enjoy running. The cranial cruciate ligament is impacted by this exercise, which affects the dogs’ ability to move freely.

This painful health condition causes the dog to limp while walking and starts with a partial tear in the ligament. Usually, the condition worsens due to the dog’s continued physical activity.

4. Cataracts

American Bullies and Pitbulls are prone to cataracts more than any other breed. Because Pitbulls are more likely to develop this disease than American Bullies, it is inherited.

Diabetes, uveitis, and hypocalcemia are a few other diseases that can result from cataracts. Depending on the cataract’s condition, it may be treated with medicine or surgery.

5. Heart Disease

The parent dogs of both breeds are typically the source of heart illness. Aortic stenosis, which affects the health of both Pitbulls and American Bullies, is the most prevalent form of heart disease. This condition has no signs at all. It is advised to regularly have your dog diagnosed early so that treatment can begin promptly.

Exercise and Training

Both breeds have the same energy and need the same amount of exercise and training.


Both dogs require roughly the same amount of activity. They must exercise for 60 minutes daily to be cheerful and healthy. These two men aren’t sofa potatoes. The hefty American Bully included!

The Pitbull would be the type of choice if we had to pick one more active than the others. The Pitbull requires more cerebral stimulation throughout the day because it is more athletic and agile. Because of his English Bulldog ancestry, the Bully enjoys relaxing after workouts.

Choose a durable toy that can endure their constant play because both are tenacious and rough. Pitbulls are considered a little smarter than Bullies, so buy them some puzzle games to keep them occupied. You shouldn’t have a bored dog on your hands if you keep their exercise diverse and give them interactive play.

Keeping them both on leashes when out in public is recommended due to their feared reputation. All dogs have a certain amount of unpredictable behavior, even though they aren’t the aptest to cause trouble.

Whatever dog you select, you should also research the BSL regulations in your area. According to some states’ laws, bully-type dogs must be muzzled in public, and some do not allow entrance to doggy parks.


Both dogs have slightly varying training requirements and capacities. Pitbulls are intelligent and anxious to please dogs that respond well to training. He is suitable for new dog owners with a little study on dog training.

Again, the Bully can be a little more obstinate and defiant because of his English Bulldog ancestry. He needs a more seasoned dog owner who can harness his independence and bring out the best in him.

These dogs need to be socialized from the beginning. Before you bring the dog home, a good breeder will begin teaching them. Then it will be up to you to carry on. You should combine the two with as many pets and people as possible.

Additionally, expose them to various sights, noises, and smells. Due to their history in dogfighting, the Pitbull may exhibit fear-aggression traits more than the Bully if he is not correctly socialized. Positive reinforcement teaching works best for both dogs, so look into it and apply it.

No dog should ever be subjected to harsh handling or teaching methods. This is particularly true for strong dogs like these since crossing the two can result in dangerous dogs. Learn what inspires your dog the most. Treats will likely motivate the Bully, and trinkets will likely encourage pit bulls.

Both dogs yearn for human company. It is impossible to be with them constantly, no matter how much we would like to and how much they merit it.

All dogs should be trained to use crates, but those prone to separation anxiety should be taught the most. Since all dogs need shelter, find the ideal dog crate for Pitbulls. I also predict that your “mean” Pitbull-type dog will take his favorite toys inside.

Puppy Prices

Despite being a new breed, American Bullies are more expensive and have a large variety. Pitbulls costs around $500 to $2,000, whereas American Bullies can cost between $15,00 to $8,000.

The higher cost for American Bullies is due to the range in sizes. Smaller bullies with unique colors cost the most. Because there are so many Pitbulls in shelters across America, the cost has decreased.

The birthing procedure can differ from that of other dogs depending on the size and shape of the Bully. If you want to deal with a well-known breeder or “dog celebrity,” you can anticipate paying significantly more.

The topic of rescuing bully breeds should always come up in household discussions. Working with a reliable breeder is essential if you decide to purchase a puppy. Both dogs are ideal targets for cruel sports in which many people still fight their dogs.

Many breeders prioritize financial gain over the well-being of their puppies. Do your homework to ensure your chosen breeder makes every effort to raise healthy puppies.

Not just the initial puppy cost but also continuing lifetime costs must be taken into account. All pups require brand-new crates, beds, toys, food, pet protection, and numerous other expenses. Both dogs may need special “dangerous” dog insurance or licenses in some locations. These additional money obligations must also be taken into account.


So here it is, the difference between American Bully and the Pitbull. These breeds are similar in many cases, and the American Bully also originated from the Pitbull, but they are different.

They are different in many cases, which makes them desirable. There is also a myth that these dogs are aggressive, which is not true.

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