How to Deal With Labrador Shedding? – 5 Quick Methods

Congratulations if you are the proud owner of a Labrador Retriever: You now understand what it’s like to discover dog hair everywhere. Labs shed more regularly in the spring and fall, when weather changes are most pronounced because of their double-layered coats.

However, labs also shed a lot in the months in between, so you might feel up against it regarding your Lab’s fur. It’s good to know that you’re not by yourself. You can discover how to prevent yourself from losing so much during the year with some effort and basic techniques.

Why Do Labradors Shed So Much?

Some short-haired dogs shed more than you’d think! You’ll find fur in unexpected places, from the inside of your jacket pockets to your kitchen drawers! It spreads all over! We must look at Labrador’s coats to understand why they shed so much.

The distinctive double coat of Labradors sheds all year round, although it can worsen as seasons change. They acquire thicker coats in the fall to stay warm during the winter, while they shed their winter coats in the spring to get ready for the summer.

Breeds with a double coat have two layers of fur. Each hair follicle in a dog’s coat has a few undercoats and one or two topcoats (guard) hairs. Puppies have a single coat when they are born, but they begin to grow an adult coat around 3 months old and keep it until they are about a year old.

Wolves, the domestic dog’s closest living relative, also have a double coat, which is thought to be an ancestral characteristic. Due to a gene defect that results in the absence of the undercoat, single-coated breeds shed less since the undercoat is more likely to molt with the change in season.

Returning to the Labrador’s past, we can see that they relied on their thick, woolly undercoat to keep them warm while swimming and retrieving in chilly waters.

They have a second waterproof layer in their protective coat. Due to their adaptability to various weather situations, labradors make good working dogs for outdoor environments.

Which Color Labs Shed The Most?

You may have heard that the black Lab sheds the least, the chocolate Lab sheds more than a black Lab, and the yellow Lab sheds the most. Which is accurate, and which Labrador color sheds the most?

Labradors of all colors, including chocolate, black, and yellow, all shed similarly. The color of the coat has little bearing on how much shedding or grooming is necessary. The idea that a certain color will shed more or less than another is pure fiction. No matter what color their coat is, Labs share the same traits.

Several owners mistakenly believed that yellow Labs shed more because they have dark carpeting, which would make the yellow fur more prominent. On light-colored carpets and flooring, dark-colored fur will surely stand out more.

The more uncommon long-haired Labradors shed similarly to other Labradors and do not differ in their molting patterns.

Consider a Labradoodle (a Labrador and Poodle mix) if you’re seeking a Labrador that sheds less. Your hybrid will not shed as much as a purebred Lab because the Poodle is a low-shedding breed.

What is a Double Coat?

The undercoat and topcoat of a dog’s fur are two separate coats. Only a few breeds have double coats, including the Labrador Retriever, German, Australian, and Siberian Huskies.

They acquired their dependable double coat when labs were bred in Newfoundland as fisherman’s dogs decades ago. The double coat is necessary for labs to be excellent water dogs because it allows them to maintain a comfortable body temperature in frigid waters.

The undercoat, the initial layer, is brief and dense. It is made to keep your dog’s body warm, even when swimming or playing outside in the cold. The longer, silkier topcoat is the second coat. It aids in keeping the coat dry and clean.

Labrador Shedding Season

Labrador’s shedding schedule is predictable. In addition to their typical annual shedding, Labs lose more in some months than others. When does the Labrador shedding season occur?

The spring and fall are the times of the year when Labradors shed their coats. Your dog will “blow” or alter his coat at this time, which can take two to three weeks or longer. As a result, the lab shedding season falls in March, April, May, and September, October, or November.

Your Labrador can adapt to the new climate by changing his coat as the seasons change. As the temperature warms, he will remove his old winter undercoat to make a place for a lighter summer coat.

He will get a thick, warm coat to prepare for the winter and shed his lighter undercoat once the temperature becomes colder. He can now live comfortably all year round, thanks to this.

His thick undercoat will emerge in clumps for two to three weeks. You can’t help but notice it fluttering all over! Your dog will molt all his dead undercoats during this period, resulting in furious shedding.

Year-Round Shedding

Even though the time when your Labrador “blows his coat” will be the worst for shedding, he will continue to shed consistently throughout the year. This is all perfectly natural and a natural part of your dog’s hair’s normal development and molting cycles.

As previously stated, all Labradors shed all year round, regardless of their coat color.

Is Shedding a Sign of a Health Issue?

Shedding is typically a normal and healthy process in all mammals, including people, cats, and dogs. In dogs, shedding is the body’s method of removing unwanted, old undercoat hair. Shedding is expected in labs because they are double-coated, but when should you be concerned?

Unfortunately, various factors might influence how your dog sheds its coat, making it challenging to pinpoint, exactly, what’s wrong. Because of this, it’s a good idea to become familiar with your pet’s usual shedding patterns to spot when it changes.

Your dog may shed excessively for a variety of causes, such as:

  • unhealthy diet
  • the incorrect shampoo
  • tension in the home
  • Worms on the skin
  • hormone dysregulation
  • primary illnesses

How to Reduce Shedding in Dogs

If you own a Labrador, you’ve pondered how to stop your Lab from shedding so much. Labradors shed a lot.

Even if you can’t stop your dog from shedding, there is good news: with these five pointers, you can learn how to lessen it to the point where no one will even notice that there is less hair around.

1. Use a Deshedding Tool

As you are aware, laboratories have two coats. Double coats can be particularly thick and challenging to rake through, even with your best pet brush, depending on the time of year. Spending money on a top-notch de-shedding gadget is a good idea if you intend to own a Labrador.

Regular brushes, even those made to prevent shedding, typically only focus on the topcoat dirt, leaving the undercoat unaffected.

Heavy-duty de-shedding tools are made to remove loose or dead hair from the undercoat without harming the topcoat to eliminate additional debris and leave both coats looking bright and healthy.

De-shedding should be done twice yearly, ideally in the spring and fall when the weather changes. Your Lab is shedding its coat at this time or thickening it in preparation for the fall and winter. Meanwhile, try your best to give your lab coat a daily brushing using a standard brush.

2. Incorporate More Baths

Baths are a terrific method to remove odors from your Lab, but the warm water also helps to loosen and remove any fur that is ready to shed but has yet to do so.

Others argue that bathing labs once a month is better, while some experts claim bathing labs only once per few months is sufficient.

There is no set rule for how frequently your Lab should be bathed, whether on a timetable or whenever you decide it’s time. You might be shocked to find how much loose dog hair is at the bottom of the tub if you decide to bathe your Lab more frequently.

3. Invest in a Smart Vacuum

You’ll spend much of your time vacuuming loose hair if you don’t plan to brush your Lab at least once daily. Buyindailymart vacuum is one of the finest ways to relieve the stress of continually running after furballs throughout your home.

Most smart vacuums include an app you can download to your phone and use to manage the vacuum’s movements even when you’re not at home. This means that you can expect to come home to a de-furred house every day if you switch on the vacuum cleaner while you’re away from the house.

4. Increase Your Lab’s Water Intake

Do you know that dry skin is one of the most basic causes of excessive shedding? As a general guideline, your Lab should drink an ounce of water for every pound of body weight daily.

In light of this, your Lab should consume 70 ounces of water daily if she weighs about 70 pounds. If you think your Lab is dehydrating itself, it could increase shedding all over your house.

If your dog isn’t getting the recommended amount of water, consider rewarding her with a treat each time she asks for a sip. You can flavor the water with bone or chicken broth as an alternative to plain water.

5. Change Your Lab’s Diet

The greatest approach to ensure your Lab lives a long and healthy life is to maintain a good diet, unfortunately, if you see time to alter your Lab’s food.

If you see excessive shedding, advise giving your lab vitamins to ensure they get everything they need. If your Lab sheds excessively, giving them supplements can also be helpful. Doing this, you can aid in preventing excessive shedding and maintain the health of your dog’s coat.

A bad diet is the main cause of excessive shedding. People purchase a 40-pound bag of inexpensive food from discount stores and subsequently see an increase in their pets’ shedding. Even while the meal satisfies the minimal standards for quality, it might not contain enough animal protein or minerals to keep your dog’s health at its best.

Various studies have been conducted on what Labradors require to remain healthy into adulthood. Generally speaking, you’ll want to include these particular amounts of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals in your Lab’s diet:

  • Proteins: Around 30%
  • Fats: Between 10 and 25%
  • Carbs: Starchy grains and vegetables
  • Vitamins: Vitamin B12, A, E, C, and D
  • Minerals: Phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and iron

Even though certain food brands appear to have the same quantity of protein as other brands, the quality of the food is, ultimately, what matters. You want to be sure that the meal you give your dog doesn’t contain fillers and that you can recognize full foods, including meat and veggies.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Do Labrador Retrievers Shed a Lot?

You should anticipate seeing fur around your home because Labrador Retrievers commonly shed. When the seasons change, labs shed their hair more heavily for up to three weeks each time. They switch out their coats every six months to accommodate seasonal changes.

Can I Shave My Lab to Stop Shedding?

The quality of your Labrador’s fur can be permanently altered if you shave it. Additionally, it might make them feel uneasy. Therefore, regular grooming is the only way to reduce shedding effectively.

What Month Do Labs Shed the Most?

They shed in the spring to get rid of their thick winter coat and grow a lighter ones in preparation for summer. Additionally, they shed in the fall to make room for a thick winter coat in exchange for their thin summer one. The duration of each shedding season is two to three weeks.


These remedies will enable you to lessen or eliminate dog shedding, even though it might be a hassle in the home. Try frequent brushing, changing your dog’s shampoo, purchasing a new vacuum, or making dietary changes, as these things can all significantly affect your dog’s shedding tendencies.

Remember that patience and practice will help you find the best dog-shedding solution for you and your dog. This can be a lengthy process.

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